Static Post Supervisor (SPS)

MA3 Carrasquillofuentes is a stand-out professional and consistently demonstrates superior performance

-SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. Qualified above paygrade as WRA SPS! As Static Post Supervisor, he flawlessly led 86 Sailors and Marines providing physical security safeguarding 8 Trident Missile Submarines, 10,000 personnel and national strategic assets in the Waterfront Restricted Area.
-IMPACTFUL MENTOR. He has trained 15 sailors and resulted in 3 becoming qualified to pay grade. Has given helpful counseling on financial, importance of USMAP, and 7 sailors the options of reenlisting, resulting in 1 reenlistment. He has completed 1 NRTC to better himself and overall knowledge to be able to help his peers.
-CIVIC AMBASSADOR. As CSADD Tresasurer he managed the bank account of over 3000 dollars. He created and led 2 events for the Washington Special Olympics and Children of the Nations encompassing over 19 hours. He worked 4 hours with the church of Centro de Vida to renovate their church and 6 hours helping with the Honor Flight. This devotion reflects a positive image on behalf of the Navy.

MA3 Carrasquillofuentes has demonstrated high levels of pride in the daily performance of his duties and is ready for increased responsibilities. Has my recommendation for advancement.

MA3 Jourdan is one of only two Second Class Petty Officers that are both Static Post Supervisor qualified and Harbor Security Boat Coxswain qualified. He is an aggressive leader who readily seeks increased responsibilities. MA3 Jourdan was recognized for his unwavering devotion to duty and outstanding performance while stationed at Marine Corps Security Force Battalion, Bangor.

Alpha Company, Second Platoon, Squad Leader and Static Post Supervisor during his tour at the Marine Corps Security Force Battalion, Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific, Naval Base Kitsap, Bangor, Washington. Led Sailors and Marines in order to successfully maintain tactical and operational control of national strategic assets.

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