Positive Adjectives for Navy Evals

Below is a list of positive adjectives that may be used to describe your troop in the Eval's Comments on Performance block.

ambitious active adept aggressive adaptable astute
admirable assured able agile alert accomplished
attentive authoritative acclaimed above average advancing analytical
articulate advanced aware
bold brilliant bright beneficial best brave
bulletproof balanced
competent conscientious cooperative confident considerate creative
capable consistent critical committed conservative commanding
careful cautious certified courageous compassionate courteous
calm commendable contributing
determined diligent decisive dedicated dynamic diplomatic
discreet dependable detail-oriented deliberate daring driven
dutiful dominating
educated eloquent exceptional enabling encouraging essential
energetic enthusiastic earnest enterprising efficient expert
eager effective experienced energized excellent
flexible fearless facilitating faithful firm fair
focused flawless forceful
gung-ho genuine goal-oriented
hard working hard-charging helpful honorable
industrious innovative independent inventive impartial imaginative
impressive intelligent important indispensable inspired involved
influential ingenious informed invaluable insatiable inexhaustible
just judicious
key knowledgeable
leading logical level-headed learned loyal lasting
masterful motivated multi-talented multi-skilled meticulous modest
mature methodical
nimble notable no-nonsense
out-standing organized observant orderly
punctual proficient prepared productive positive professional
perfect prominent protective proactive proven persuasive
practiced perceptive promising polished prudent precise
persistent persevering practical poised peerless praiseworthy
qualified quick quick-thinking
responsible ready rational recognized relentless reliable
resourceful remarkable reasonable reputable resilient results-oriented
skillful/skilled superior scrupulous sober supportive self-assured
stable steady satisfactory significant self-motivated sincere
strong secure self-reliant systematic smart sensible
selfless steadfast serious spirited sharp successful
self-confident stalwart sustaining selected superb sterling
tactful tested tenacious trained talented tireless
thorough traditional trustworthy top thoughtful tough
unique unfailing unlimited unrivaled unmatched unstoppable
valuable versatile veteran vigilant vigorous vital
willing well-grounded watchful wise working

We need more examples. Examples can be contributed using this form. Thanks!