Adverse Eval Examples

ZERO MOTIVATION. Unfortunate that all the best efforts and guidance from everyone in his department were available 24/7 and still were not sufficient to help him. Member continued with daily sub-par performance, which resulted in the rest of his peers carrying the workload.

MARGINAL DETERMINATION. Did not strive nor participate in additional duties or activities to improve personally or professionally. Identified to separate from Active Duty over a year ago, his path has been littered with constant counseling as he continued with his irresponsibility and nonchalant attitude towards everything and everyone.

-BLOCK 20. Member failed PFA Cycle 2022.
-BLOCKS 33-/34. Member makes mistakes at a level below that of a 5-year seaman.
-BLOCK 36. Member fails to meet minimum BCA standards. Member habitually missed 3 required weekly FEP sessions.
-BLOCKS 37, /38, and /39. Member's continued lack of motivation creates strife and heartache among his peers.

NJP held on 13 June 2024, for violation of the UCMJ Article 92 - Failure to obey lawful general order or regulation, UCMJ Article 92 - Dereliction of Duty, and UCMJ Article 107 - False Official statments.

***Awarded NJP Article #, #, and #. Despite this, performance has not taken a hit!***

***All Things Considered, Highly recommended for advancement right now!***

Individual is an underperformer and is inconsistent in their work. They have issues following through on some items. They are great at networking and asking for help and should leverage this further. They are not great at learning on their own because they are afraid to make mistakes.

Examples can be contributed using this form. Thanks!