Chief Petty Officer Eval Bullets

EXEMPLIFIES MESS HERITAGE: Sponsorship co-chair for the OPNAV FY25 Initiation season. Ensured 21 newly selected chiefs had proper guidance during all aspects of initiation.

- COMMAND IMPACT. As DLCPO for Executive Department, led 3 CPOs, 3 JOs and 12 Sailors. Her team completed 7,200 pieces of correspondence, transfers, separations, annual pay and personnel audits while managing a $450K TADTAR budget yielding $8M in pay and benefits. Her invaluable efforts resulted in an EXCELLENT score during annual FEG Audit.

- MESS ENGAGED. Actively engaged in the CPO Mess. Participated in # fundraising events, raising $# in support of the FY-## CPO Initiation Season.

- MASTER OF HERITAGE. Facilitated ALDC and FLDC for # Sailors. Led a fundraising event earning $# for the CPOA and continues to set standards for my Chiefs.

- MESS MOTIVATOR. Hand-selected to lead the installation CPO selectee season. Led # MCPOs, SCPOs, and CPOs from # commands in preparation and execution of the FY-## CPO season for # selectees, ensuring all personnel abided by the CMC's and MCPON's safety guidance.

- LEADER OF PEERS. As CPOA President, revitalized esprit de corps within my CPO mess and led # social functions, COMREL projects, and fundraisers, directly contributing to a positive command climate.

- PILLAR IN THE MESS. As CPOA President, provided direct oversight for # Sailor of the Quarter/Year Boards and flawlessly filled in for the CMC during # DRB/PRBs. CPO Selectee Season Command Chair. The backbone of my Command's Sailor 360 Program, provided # different training sessions to # FCPOs and # CPOs.

- SENSE OF HERITAGE. Integrating with the installation during an arduous pre-deployment cycle, organized, planned, and executed the FY-## CPO Initiation with # CPOs for # selectees. Installation CPO Induction Fitness Chair, he led # PT sessions for # selectees and # CPOs, ensuring our CPO mess meets all physical fitness standards.

- MESS FOCUSED. As CPO Mess Caterer, ensured hospitality services for # MCPOs, # SCPOs and # CPOs, fostering fellowship and esprit de corps among the Mess. Oversaw the Command Sailor Recognition Program that recognized # exceptional Sailors for their accomplishments.

- MESS ADVOCATE. As CPOA VP, led # events raising $#K.

- PEER MOTIVATOR. As my Maintenance Desk CPO, qualified # CPOs as Safe for Flight. An active member of my CPO Mess and Sailor 360, is consistently sought out by seniors, peers, and subordinates alike.

- MESS INVOLVED. As CPO Mess Secretary, coordinated # team building events thereby strengthening the Mess and excelled as a Co-Treasurer and Sponsor during the FY-## CPO selectee season.

- MESS INVOLVED. Leading by example, deckplate presence embodied the guiding principles of the CPO Mess and sets the standard throughout my command! Selected by peers to be as FY-## season Khaki Ball coordinator for # CPOs.

- MESS AMBASSADOR. Hand selected by peers as Secretary; transcribed mess minutes and ensured clear communication and cohesion across CPOA.

- MESS INVOLVED. Co-led CPO initiation for my command. Led # Sailor 360 training sessions, empowering the next generation leaders.

- HERITAGE PILLAR. Organized, planned, and executed the FY-## CPO Initiation with # CPOs amd # selectees. Managed logistics for # CPOA events yielding $#K. Spearheaded my SOQ/SOY program, leading to the recognition of # outstanding Sailors.

- MESS MENTOR. As CPOA Treasurer, raised $#K which contributed to an increased espirit-de-corp of the unit.

- MESS INVOLVED. Co-led CPO initiation for my Command. Led # Sailors in Sailor 360 training sessions empowering tomorrow s CPO leaders. Led # CPOA merchandise sales resulting in $# in revenue. He puts the CPO Mess first!

- INSTITUTIONALLY ENGAGED. Chaired the SOY board, board member for # SOQ boards, conducted # reporting CDBs, expertly oversaw the administration of # Navy-wide advancement exams, conducted CPO mess training for # Chiefs and Sailor 360 training to # personnel strengthening the skillsets across all paygrades. Served as a key role model to my younger Chiefs and an outstanding sounding board for my CMC when critical leadership is required.

- MESS FOCUSED. As a member of the CPO Initiation Training committee, developed and led the implementation of weekly taskers for # selectees, fostering fellowship among selectees and the Mess. As CPOA Secretary, oversaw the upkeep of CPOA by-laws and records and chaired # JSOQ/SOQ boards recognizing # junior Sailors for their accomplishments.

- MESS FOCUSED. As Initiation Training Lead, enforced effective training and oversight of # CPO selects and # CPOs during CPO session, ensuring methods aligned with MCPON guidance. As Mess Treasurer, managed a budget of $# and ensured 100% accountability.

- MESS LEADER. Selected as FY-XX Initiation Chair. Provided guidance to more than X CPOs throughout the Navy Region, developed X new CPOs, and managed X committees. Graduate of the Senior Enlisted Academy, Class X.

- DEDICATED TO THE MESS. Upon reporting onboard, quickly coordinated the command's holiday meal event providing meals for X Sailors and their families. Planned and executed X Mess fundraisers, raising over $X. Her actions directly improved morale and camaraderie throughout the command.

- MESS INVOLVED. As Mess Caterer, led X Chiefs in raising $X to support Holiday command events.

- MESS ORIENTED. Proactively engaged in the CPO Mess by developing and providing effectively leadership and physical fitness training for X CPOs, X CPO selectees, and X FCPOs.

- LEADER AMONGST PEERS. A deckplate leader who embodies the guiding principles of the CPO ?Mess who sets the standard throughout my command and leads by example. Selected as the coordinator for the Khaki Ball for X CPOs and 6 CPO selectees.

- PEER MENTOR. Actively mentors and trains a CPO Mess of X. Facilitated FY-XX CPO training to the creed training sessions for X CPO Selectees while serving as a sponsor and mentor to X newly selected CPOs. Graduate from Senior Enlisted Academy, Class X.

- LEADER IN MY MESS. Selected to sponsor X selectees, served as the Heritage and USS Constitution Co-Chair, and coordinated all logistics and funding necessary for X selectees to participate in Heritage week. Fully supported the CNO's Naval Leader Development 2.0 framework by coordinating X Advanced, X Intermediate, and X Foundational Leader Development courses, resulting in course completion for X Sailors.

- MESS FRONTRUNNER. Coordinated and led X CPOs and X PO1s to facilitate X hours of training to X CPOs and X PO1s, ensuring my CPO Mess and FCPOA were educated and compliance with MCPON's guidance.

- MESS FOCUSED. As the CPO Mess Vice President, led a mess of X Chiefs and spearheaded X fundraisers resulting in $X raised.

- INVALUABLE MESS LEADER. Led Sailor 360 training for X Sailors, enabling substantial growth in core competencies and Naval heritage. Chaired X SOQ boards, X DRBs, and volunteered X hours for CPO Mess fundraisers, raising $X.

- MESS LEADER. The driving force behind Sailor 360. As the Initiation Heritage committee lead, he led the successful heritage trip to Washington, D.C. for X CPO Selectees and X CPOs from X Commands. His efforts instilled the Navy's highest standards of customs, traditions, and heritage.

- LEADER IN THE MESS. Selected by her peers as Chair Lead for Initiation Pinning, she planned and executed the pinning ceremony for X FY-XX CPO Selectees.

- MESS INVOLVEMENT. Raised more than $X through various CPOA fundraisers to support MWR events increasing the effectiveness and strength of the Chief's Mess.

- MESS LEADER. Senior Enlisted Academy graduate of Class XXX. Leader within the Mess and my most trusted advisor. Acted as CMC during CMC absences, ensuring seamless squadron operations. As CPO Initiation Chair, he led X CPOs in the planning and coordination of the FY-XX initiation season.

- CPO MESS INVOLVEMENT. Chaired the CPO Final Night Committee facilitating the preparation of X Selectees for leadership roles at the CPO level while promoting equity, inclusion, diversity, equality, and heritage as per MCPON guidance. Managed the Enlisted Leader Development facilitation for X Sailors creating a culture of growth through expert use of challenge and adversity.

- MOTIVATOR WITHIN THE MESS. Led X Chiefs as the CPOA President, coordinating X unity building and training events, and the Rawhide Thanksgiving feast, strengthening rapport within the Mess and our Sailors. As flightline CPO Initiation Chair, led X CPOs in developing and implementing the FY-XX CPO selectee training plan. Organized X training events aimed to strengthen cross-community relationships. As acting CMC during absence, ensured seamless squadron success.

- DEDICATED TO THE MESS. FY-XX CPO season mentor and committee lead. He provided continuous coaching and mentorship critical to the development of X CPO selectees. As CPOA Treasurer, he expertly managed a $X budget and successfully raised $X. Pivotal in the success of seven hail and bail events.

- MESS INVOLVEMENT. As Heritage Committee lead, he implemented a training plan to facilitate heritage training for all selectees across the flight line. His involvement was critical to the safe and successful transition of the FY-XX CPO selectees.

- ENGAGED CPO MESS LEADER. Facilitated Sailor 360 training events providing mentorship to X CPOs and X FCPOs.

- LEADER OF LEADERS. As CPOA Vice President, he led X Chiefs in coordinating X fundraisers and X team building events. His efforts enhanced the mess, increasing funds by $X. During FY-20XX CPO initiation he sponsored X selectees, volunteered as a sheriff, chaired the uniform day committee, and was the command lead for final night, resulting in X newly accepted Chief Petty Officers.

- NAVAL HERITAGE LEADER. Planned and executed FY 20XX CPO selectee trip to the USS Constitution for X selectees and X genuine CPOs, including a group run through Boston and a tour of "OLD IRONSIDES." His efforts instilled and promoted a sense of heritage for the Navy's current and next generation of leaders while generating positive feedback from the citizens of the City of Boston!

- DRIVING FORCE OF THE CPO MESS. As CPOA Vice President, she provided training and mentorship to X SCPOs and CPOs. Served as Co-Sponsor and Meet-and-Greet Committee Lead, coordinating the efforts of X CPOs and X CPO selectees during FY-XX initiation.

- STRENGTHENS THE MESS. Led the charge in kick-starting Sailor 360, training X CPOs and FCPOs on the importance of Mental Health for Leaders. Sponsored X new CPO for FY-XX.

- DEDICATED TO THE MESS. As a sponsor for two Chief Petty Officer selects and a member of the vessel and charge book committee during FY-XX CPO Initiation, he provided continuous coaching and mentorship critical to the development of XX CPO selectees honoring the traditions of the Mess.

- MESS DEDICATED. As the CPOA Mess Caterer, he coordinated five Hail and Bails, two fundraisers, and raised $1,000. Coordinated the acquisition and sale of $2,000 in merchandise.

- LEADER OF LEADERS. Selected as the squadron lead for the FY 20XX CPO season. Managed communications with XX committees and provided guidance to more than XXX CPOs across the flight line. As CPO Mess Treasurer, meticulously maintained monthly statements and authorized expenditures leading to zero discrepancies during the 20XX annual audit.

- LEADER OF LEADERS. As CPOA President, he led X CPOs in weekly mess meetings, monthly training, and X team-building events. He conducted monthly leadership training sessions and Sailor 360 events with the FCPOA, resulting in X CPO selectees. As FY-XX Initiation Chair, he provided guidance to X CPOs, resulting in the safe training and development of X new selected CPOs. Filled the role as Senior Enlisted Leader and MMCPO for a total of 6 weeks during their absences ensuring seamless squadron success.

- ACTIVE AND ENGAGED IN MY MESS. Selected as Khaki Ball committee chair, promoting heritage and long-standing traditions for 200 CPOs across X commands and culminating the FY 20XX season.

- LEADER IN MY MESS. Selected as FY-XX CPO initiation Season Secretary and Drill Instructor. Assisted in leading XXX CPOs and XX selectees by ensuring maximum participation, building camaraderie, and tracking all events in training our newly-selected Chief Petty Officers. Facilitated X leadership courses for XX junior Sailors, building a solid leadership foundation in our future Petty Officers. Guided XX FCPOs in coordinating team-building events and assisted in raising $X for FCPOA.

- SENSATIONAL LEADER. As acting CMC, she provided sage counsel and managed all command and Sailor matters with the ease of a seasoned Master Chief. Competitively selected as the FY-XX CPO Initiation Chair, she led X CPOs across X tenant commands in the development and coordination of all CPO initiation events. Active CPOA member, she volunteered for four fundraising events raising more than $X.

- VISIONARY MASTER CHIEF. Fosters an environment of training, growth, education, personal development, and exceptionalism across the deckplates. His "lead from the front" mentorship saw to the selection of 4 officers, 1 MCPO, 4 SCPOs, 1 CMDCS, 11 CPOs, and 4 Senior Enlisted Academy graduates.

- LEADER IN MY MESS. Readily sought out for direction and guidance by peers and subordinates. Fully engaged in the mess by volunteering as Co-Lead Secretary for XX CPOs during FY-XX CPO initiation.

-STELLAR MENTOR. The model example of a naval leader, he consistently made the Navy the most personally and professionally rewarding career for each of his Sailors. His mentorship and guidance produced five advancements, one MAP, one JSOQ/SOQ, eight college enrollments, two USMAP certifications, one MOVSM, and the awarding of 23 NECs. His drive contributed to Trident Refit Facility, Bangor receiving the NAVSEA 2020 Retention Excellence Award and making our unit the most desirable place to work.

-COMMAND IMPACT. Entrusted as my Command Resilience Team (CRT) Member, he expertly organized 27 CRT members in the execution of TRFB's FY-21 command climate survey. His dedicated engagement increased survey participation by 15% via the safe execution of 26 focus groups. These achievements culminated in a significant improvement to quality of life for 2,092 military and civilian personnel throughout the command.

-OUTSTANDING MANAGER. As Department LCPO and Navy Afloat Maintenance Training Strategy (NAMTS) Command Job Qualification Requirement (JQR) Coordinator, she chaired 59 NAMTS oral boards across 11 Engineering rates. Her efforts resulted in 59 critical NECs being awarded, which directly contributed to the increased self-sufficiency of Sailors and readiness of the Fleet.

-EFFECTIVE MENTOR. She mentored and guided 12 Skill Area Coordinators and 15 Shop JQR Coordinators in ensuring all program requirements were met and maintained. Her involvement culminated in 100% instructional compliance developing the most robust and effective NAMTS program in the entire Navy with zero administrative errors.

-TEAM BUILDER. He expertly led a talented team of 150 Sailors and civilians through the completion of 250 complex repairs that resulted in the on-time deployment of seven ballistic missile nuclear submarines. These efforts encompassed one extended refit, five voyage repairs, and eight refit periods, directly contributing to the strategic warfighting readiness of seven SSBNs.

-ENGAGING PRESENCE. His mentorship and guidance were instrumental in the professional development of 34 Sailors, which generated one meritorious advancement, three advancements, two reenlistments, and seven technical NECs. His tireless involvement prepared highly skilled technical experts to the fleet, raised retention in 31D by 13%, and played a key role in the command earning the NAVSEA 2020 Retention Excellence Award.

-GIFTED LEADER. She expertly led 66 Sailors and civilians in 51B through the complex execution of 300 work packages that encompassed 59,280 production-hours with no rework. Under her supervision, her production teams executed the on-time completion of one extended refit period, eight voyage repairs, and 10 refit periods, directly optimized warfighting readiness of seven ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

-Talented Mentor. His inspirational leadership and motivation developed a culture of self-improvement amongst his peers and charges. His daily engagement and infectiously positive attitude inspired his team to earn five Command Duty Officer Qualifications, nine advancements, seven performance awards, and 12 technical NECâ s. A model mentor for junior Sailors, he armed the fleet with technically competent and motivated reliefs.

- LEADER IN THE MESS. Volunteered to be the Co-Treasurer for CPO Season. She managed a budget of $15K and organized four fundraising events for XX FY 20XX CPO Selectees.

- MESS ROLE MODEL. Regularly sought-out for direction and guidance by peers and subordinates. Fully engaged in the mess by volunteering as Co-lead Secretary for XX CPO selects and XX CPOs during CPO Season.


- COMMITTED DECKPLATE LEADER. Led and mentored 3 CPOs and 19 Sailors in the training management for 1,400 Sailors. Inspired cooperation and focus on mission accomplishment by leveraging the talent of all Sailors and civilian personnel in the execution of Corrun and Indoc, Barracks Inspections, training, schools, and PQS Audits. Active member of the CRT, he incorporated and inspired change during the Command Climate Assessment process and focus groups, promoted equality, diversity, and cultural competency.
- CPO MESS CONTRIBUTOR. Served as FY-20 Chief Selectee Leadership Course, Training, PQS and Fund Raising Committee Chairs for 16 selectees and 163 Mess members.
- COMMAND WIDE LEADERSHIP IMPACT. Proactive in the development of our leaders, organized Petty Officer Leadership Indoctrination for 85 Sailors, and Fleet Forces CPO Leadership course for 124 CPOs and 311 First Class Petty Officers.


Maintenance Control Chief in VAQ-137. Demonstrated a can-do attitude and an unsurpassed ability to achieve miraculous results with limited resources. He was a key factor in the successful completion of 125 combat sorties in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.

Despite an increased workload, an undermanned division, and a hectic ship's schedule, Chief Pyle met the challenge as demonstrated by his impressive SMC grade. He is an outstanding example for his subordinates and deserves official recognition for his high level of performance.

Chief Sweeny demonstrated exceptional leadership and managerial skills by supervising and mentoring 33 military and civilian instructors across three courses of instruction. His superior performance and unsurpassed results increased the quality and fleet readiness of more than 2000 active and reserve enlisted and officer students.

Chief Lightfoot's exceptional leadership was directly responsible for OHSU Bremerton, Det O being awarded the BUMED Health promotion Bronze Star Award. He led Sailors in Physical exercise for one hour each drill weekend, demonstrating exercise techniques and preparing briefings and demonstrations for over 400 Sailors during quarters.

Served as the leading Chief Petty Officer of Deck Division. BMC Fearless demonstrated exemplary leadership and performance. His division continually performed above all other divisions as a result of BMC's devotion and unparalleled commitment to excellence. Over 200 extremely dangerous deck operations have been conducted flawlessly under his supervision.

Chief Nelson demonstrated rare management skills and dedication to his Sailors while acting as Leading Culinary Specialist, a supervisory position normally assigned to a Senior Chief Petty Officer. He enthusiastically and effectively managed a successful division despite manning being reduced from 22 to 13 Sailors due to increased deployments and rotations.

Leading Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Expeditionary Logistics Forward Armory in support of Operation New Dawn and Operation Enduring Freedom. His foresight and insightful leadership was responsible for the security and inventory of over 10,000 small arms during an arduous deployment. He implemented the Navy's Material, Maintenance, and Management (3M) system for all NAVELSG Forward weapons which had an overwhelming impact to the command readiness.

As Leading Chief Petty Officer, she demonstrated superb leadership and mentorship within her Department. She supported the Electronic Warfare community by taking her leadership role outside of her own division to ensure mission readiness was never compromised. Her hands on leadership style resulted in zero incidents during an extremely "High Risk" evolution.

As a Senior Engineer and LCPO, she provided sound technical advice and words of wisdom to encourage our Navy's future leaders.

Chief Petty Officer Nolan's motivated leadership and diligent management of assets made the constructon of two PTDS sites in Zabul Afghanistan possible. This mission was critical to allowing ISAF Forces the freedom of movement and situational awareness required to effectively project combat power across the Zabul battlespace.

Displayed exceptional leadership and management acumen while serving as the rear party Communications Chief. He demonstrated exceptional public affairs expertise and unparalleled resourcefulness while managing intense and highly visible projects such as the region's Toys-for-Tots program and the Eastern Pennsylvania Toy Run. His professional insight and ability to communicate effectively across widely varying communities helped keep the area's IRR Marines engaged and motivated.

LED WITH EXPERIENCE. Chief Horner's technical acumen and vigilant oversight during LPD 22's main engine and main reduction gear installation, alignment, and testing ensured every major milestone throughout construction was successfully accomplished. His leadership ability and unwavering standards of quality production contributed directly to improvements observed in care and protection and in the overall first time quality among the LPD 17 Class.

Exemplified the Navy's ideals of a diverse leader by serving as a Department Head and Leading Chief Petty Officer for several Departments. Served as Training Chief Petty officer and maintained the unit's readiness at a superior level allowing them to meet all assigned tasks. Served as Maintenance and Repair Department Leading Chief Petty Officer and Vehicle Maintenance Department Head. During this period he successfully completed the unit's Final Evaluation inspection allowing it to mobilize in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

AMBITIOUS LEADERSHIP - Chief Keeton's exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication to the unit positively impacted the command's exceptional readiness status and support to NSA Bahrain. His attention to detail and exceptional organizational skills helped the command maintain the highest overall mission readiness and mobilization ready status.

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