Respiratory Protection Program Manager (RPPM) Evals

FOCUSED MANAGEMENT: As Corrosion Control Facility (CCF) Staff NCOIC, Petty Officer Able personally got the Corrosion Control Program back ON-TRACK, which includes Emergency Reclamation Team (ERT) and Respirator Protection Program Manager (RPPM), from a 66% OFF-TRACK on the ALMAT Inspection to ON-TRACK on the CNAF Inspection.
COMPETENT AND RELIABLE: Supported six MAG-31 squadrons and two squadrons from outside MAG-31 (VMFA-112 & VMFAT-101) totaling 45 maintenance actions directly on aircraft and 240 maintenance actions on other various components. Also assisted with introducing Cadmium Plating to MALS-31 which lead to 13 maintenance actions in direct support of Depot Level maintenance.
INNOVATIVE: Directly responsible for inducting Brake Rider, Tow Director, and Tow qualifications to the I-Level, which will allow CCF to tow aircraft themselves and not have to rely on the squadrons.

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