Medical Eval Examples

Navy Hospitalman

Submissions without duty being identified will be listed below:

CRITICAL TEAM PLAYER: HM2 Hale successfully managed $23,205 worth of medical equipment, ensuring it is properly maintained and tracked. He facilitated the completion of 156 PHAs for NRC Harrisburg, improving mission readiness by 79% and completed 22 PHAs for NSF Philadelphia command, increasing medical readiness by 12%. He oversaw the clinic's influenza vaccination program, ensuring 100% completion for FY25. Diligently tracked and addressed medical delinquencies, ensuring all 190 SELRES personnel remained current on dental and HIV blood draw requirements. Meticulously scrubbed and updated 92 medical records, bringing medical records to 100%. Spearheaded the running and operation of the audio booth to provide audiograms to certify members for critical mobilizations. Managed the mobilization of 4 reservists, overseeing the completion of all required medical documentation for each sailor tag on mobilization orders, resulting in zero Ready Load Date misses.

DEVOTED COMMAND ASSET: HM2 completed a 5-day CFL school, fulfilling a critical NRC staff position. In addition, HM2 attended a 5-day SAPR school, filling a six-month gapped position and bringing the NRC into compliance per REDCOM staffing instructions. HM2 took charge of the CFL program by updating the CLF Binder while verifying that all 190 SELRES and staff members' information is correct in PRIMS. He conducting 44 weigh-ins and Conducted 2 PFAs for 10 SELRES, resulting in SELRES becoming physically fit for duty.

- The NMCP Transfer Center (TC) coordinates patient movement to and from NMCP, to include the tracking of emergent and non-emergent cases and coordinating resources (e.g., patient care teams, ground transport teams, installation security, etc.) to ensure the successful completion of safe and timely transfer. The NMCP TC, a single-call resource to care teams both within NMCP and at outside clinics, hospitals, or medical treatment facilities can be contacted via phone. The NMCP TC, staffed 24/7 by appropriately trained call-takers, can facilitate physician-to-physician communication to initiate transfers into NMCP or can identify appropriate facilities for patients at NMCP that are not eligible for care or require care not offered at NMCP. The NMCP TC tracks inter-facility regulated patient movement via USTRANSCOM Regulating and Command & Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES) in coordination with the Theater Patient Movement Regulation Center - America. Once a patient movement request or mission has been approved, the NMCP TC must initiate and ensure the transfer is completed safely and successfully. For patient transfers occurring via rotary wing or fixed wing aircraft, the NMCP TC must complete notifications including, but not limited to, NMCP leadership, Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads, and Naval Station Norfolk.

- Project Caladrius's Ambulance was launched in June 2022 and since that time has completed over 450 patient movements to and from 36 unique healthcare facilities in the Mid-Atlantic region with a cost-savings of over $400K.

- From July 16th, 2023 - March 2024, Implemented 172 patient movements, 94 of which were transfers inside the hospital saving the navy $1,193,800.


-TIRELESS ACHIEVER. Front desk clerk, assisted in clerical management scheduling 2,395 appointments for 14 providers, communication with 30 enlisted, and demonstrated exceptional professional knowledge exemplified by receiving 20 positive ICE comments.
-MISSION FOCUSED. Readiness coordinator; tracked, verified and reviewed dental classifications for 2,850 active duty resulting in a seven percent increase in Operational Dental Readiness. Successfully implemented process improvements that increased efficiency in support of 44 tenant commands, four Forward Deployed Naval Forces-Europe ships, two deployed units, and one helo squadron.
-BASE/COMMAND IMPACT. Ensured 100% contact and raised $8,000 locally in support of 4,882 charities globally as the Command Financial Campaign representative. In addition, raised $8,350 as Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Representative to provide support to Sailors in need, which directly contributed to the base exceeding its established goal of $60,000. NAVSTA Rota Color Guard member; led and trained eight Sailors in three U.S. and host nation color guard events. Exhibited exceptional professionalism, promoting Naval customs and traditions while strengthening foreign relations.
BLK 35 adverse mark: On 24 April 2024, Commanding Officer found complaint against member for violating command managed equal opportunity program to be substantiated. Member's conduct was inconsistent with Navy core values.

*Ready for increased responsibilities. Recommended for advancement when eligible.*

Impactful knowledge: Successfully plans and coordinates bi-weekly training events for the sailors of 3d LLB; totaling greater than 60 hours of training with more than 34 different professional topics. Professional knowledge and skill-sets enabled training of more than 50 Marines to become Tactical Combat Casualty Care certified.
Driven Leader: Functioning as senior line for the Littoral Logistics Company Alpha. Rendered administrative medical care for 54 Marines, ensuring proper medical readiness compliance for the company: 90% fully medically ready or greater. Conducted approximately 155 hours of medical coverage for a variety of high-risk evolutions.
Caring Mentor: Assisted with the makeup and submission of SOQ packages for 4 sailors assigned to LLB and 1 sailor assigned to LCT. Conducted midterm evaluations for 2 sailors. Aided with the FMF process for 2 sailors. Encouraged 3 sailors to submit packages to secure the 804G NEC.


Led 7 sailors in pursuit of field/range medical coverage and clinic sickcall for 12,000 Marine Recruits. In charge of $48k in rescue equipment, HM1 was tasked with providing first echelon of care for sick/injured Marines or Recruits during ranges and field coverage evolutions which included the Obstacle Course, Pugil Sticks and Bodysparring, live fire range shooting, and three hikes of distances up to 13km, not including the culminating Reaper (15.77km) hike in which the Marine Recruits graduate and become full-fledged United States Marines. Designated as the crucial decisionmaker in austere, combat related environments, he was charged with triaging which injuries or sickness can be treated on site and what needed to be transferred to a higher echelon of care for lifesaving interventions. Directed team in the administration of 7020 hours of field and sickcall coverage directly resulting in a 98% graduation rate for Marine Recruits. Instructed three other TAD personnel in the application for Tuition Assistence and beginning their college careers.



- OPERATIONALLY COMMITTED. Assisted Defense Health agency in identifying 36 local surface assets and 13,588 sailors in enabling combat support and building modernized, integrated, and resilient health delivery systems. Created, tracked, and systemized over 10 IDC program manager and physician supervisor designation letters, 7 MRI reports as well as various correspondence being routed with zero discrepancies. Managed monthly Fleet Forces readiness slides for deploying and sustainment ships for the force surgeon brief with zero discrepancies.
- ASTUTE MANAGER. Helped facilitate and coordinate first annual CNSL anatomic model courses. Generated LOIs for 34 commands; 70 march, 41 advanced. Supervised 2 junior sailors in organizing and cataloging medical filing system resulting in increased efficiency.
- CMD IMPACT. As Command Assistant Urinalysis Coordinator, conducted 4 urinalysis tests for 5 tenant commands ensure 100% compliance. As the Medical Readiness Liason, increased medical readiness by 10%.


Top junior Sailor who demonstrated the leadership and initiative of a Second Class Petty Officer prior to being frocked to HM2.

-MISSION FOCUSED. As MRR/LOD Coordinator, she meticulously reviewed over 5,000 medical documents for 101 cases with 35 cases being adjudicated by BUMED/PERS of which 14% were medically separated/retired and 86% were retained for service. Processed 50 medical hard hold waivers and 31 medical retention waivers which ensured proper deployability. Managed 69 COVID- 19 cases within CDC guidelines, resulting in ZERO deficiencies. Coordinated with SELRES leadership across seven units affecting 207 Sailors' readiness concerns.
-SAILORIZATION. Mentored three junior Sailors in areas of injury program management, DWE operations, and career progression and success. Efforts lead to her appointment as N9 Work Center Supervisor, ahead of more seasoned M2s in her office.
-COMMAND INFLUENCE. As Command ACFL, assisted in the coordination and execution of 48 hours of Command PT and 144 hours of FEP with a Command PFA pass rate of 96%. Organized and led N9 weekly PT sessions and provided nutrition counseling to all members of N9. As CSADD member, organized command events to boost morale. Volunteered for NAS Jax COVID-19 test site, filling personnel shortage from NHJAX resulting in HSM.

HM2 is already performing at the level of a seasoned Second Class Petty Officer and has shown superior performance and upward trajectory to become an EP Sailor.


MISSION FOCUSED. Led 13 Joint Service staff in support of 55 providers in the completion of 6K patient encounters, resulted in 98% return to duty. Supply PO, maintained 392 line items valued at $8M with 100% accountability. Directorate Training lead, revised training tracker maintaining 97% readiness for 421 staff.
STANDOUT MENTOR. Sailorization efforts led to 3 MAP selections, seven advancements, 6 SOQ/SOY selections, 15 CDBs with 7 CWAY approvals, 6 college enrollments, one ARCOM, four NAMs, three JSAMs, two MOVSMs, six FLOCs, 98 LOAs, with 98% retention.
COMMAND LEADER. Facilitated Suicide Prevention training for 578 staff, resulted in 100% GMT completion for FY22. Led HMPQS/HMSB qualification for 250 personnel, maintained 97% readiness. BLS Instructor, facilitated 15 courses for 120 staff, led to 100% pass rate, 95% Command compliance with 22K saved.
-LEADER IN THE MESS. Facilitated 5 Sailor 360 training events and organized CAPTAIN's CUP for 239 staff. Led 51 joint staff through 37 events and provided 1,685 support hours raised $49k for the Holiday Ball. CRT member, led 20 Sailors in the planning and execution of 16 Command focus groups, 8 meetings, 6 CO's Call for 1332 staff and a Plan of Action and Milestones improving command climate.



COMMITTED CARE GIVER- Supported 26 specialty providers in delivering care to more than 5,322 beneficiaries by assisting in 76 GI procedures, 92 EKGs and 36 pulmonary function tests. Offered medical and humanitarian aid in five Central and South American nations: Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti in support of Continuing Promise 22, furthering American policy in the SOUTHCOM AOR. Assisted in the care of 1217 Marine Corps officer candidates during Operation Bulldog 21.
ESSENTIAL TEAM PLAYER- Coordinated training and acquired access for eight newly assigned corpsmen while maintaining quality control of four "Point of Care" machines valued at 250k. Conducted 390 infection control assessments; observed staff ensuring proper hand hygiene to eliminate hospital outbreaks. Gathered and distributed over 3000 pieces of mail.
COMMAND AND COMMUNITY INVOLVED- Member of the MWR on board USNS Comfort promoting morale among Navy personnel; organized 5 bingo nights and 2 movie nights on board resulting in higher crew morale. Committed 22 hours to assisting elderly patrons at Olde Towne Market.



-TECHNICAL EXPERT. Monitored island-wide disease cases while managing data input for over 13K COVID-19 cases and tracked 328 sexually transmitted disease cases, resulting in 100% accountability for NDRSi case reports. Organized a PHA rodeo for 206 Sailors and Marines, increasing the PHA readiness from 84 to 90%. Proctored six ANAM classes, resulting in the completion of 95 exams. Reported 42 animal bites to 5 health groups, resulting in proper treatment and management of patients.
-MISSION IMPACT. Supported 300+ hrs for COVAX; screened and vaccinated 3K AD, MLC, and DOD beneficiaries. Escorted 4 CEZAR inspections, leading to zero discrepancies. Assisted in disposition of 45 pieces of medical equipment, resulting in proper replacement and renewal necessary for patient care and administration. Ordered over $3K office supplies and equipment, contributing to Preventive Medicine Department mission readiness.
-COMMAND INVOLVEMENT. Rendered with Honor, conducted 26 Morning Colors and supported three USNHO Command Events. Emergency Vehicle Operator; transported eight patients needing additional treatment with local Japanese hospitals. Breathalyzed 57 AD Sailors resulting in command mission readiness and ensuring safe patient care. Organized decorations and fundraising for the HM Ball Committee, resulting in increased morale for all Corpsman island-wide.



-INSPIRED LEADER. Led 3 divisional LPOs and 77 Sailors supporting 5 officers and 8 providers to establish 'fit to train' determinations for 40K recruits annually at the Navy's only medical in-processing clinic. Efforts led to 10 personal awards, 8 SOQ nominees, 3 directorate SOQs, 15 MAP selections, 12 advancements, 4 TA enrollments, 78 college credits, 36 CDBs/C-Way approvals, 15 sick call screeners and phlebotomy certifications, and the completion of 500K vaccinations, 200K laboratory tests, 2,413 long-acting removable contraceptives, and 36K record reviews valued at $20M.
-SAILOR CHAMPION. Chaired/member of 3 directorate/command BJOQ/JSOQ boards resulting in 6 selections. Instructed one hour of EAP for 10 Sailors. Managed the clinic's mentorship program for 31 enlisted resulting in 100% compliance with program goals.
-COMMAND IMPACT. Led 75 PO1s/CPOs through weekly room inspections ISO 350 Sailors maintaining safety and sanitation standards. Produced 12 watchbills while managing 46 watchstanders, ensuring 100% qualification. As FCPOA PAO, promoted 6 command-wide cake sales raising $3,240 and boosting morale and strengthening camaraderie among 52 FCPOs. Participated in two change of command ceremonies and one retirement ceremony promoting naval customs and traditions.

COMMAND INVOLVEMENT. As REES representative, he is responsible for five temperature sensitive refrigerators and freezers containing over $1.2 million worth of vaccinations. As a member of the First Responder Operations Team, he helped maintain optimal levels of readiness in preparation for any CBRNE incidents that may occur. As a Regulated Medical Waste Representative, he managed the safe disposal of all hazardous medical waste according to BUMED and JCAHO requirements.


-EXCEPTIONAL LEADER. As the Junior Enlisted Association Master-At-Arms, Hospital Corpsman Third Class ####### displayed admirable leadership qualities by ensuring adherence to Roberts RuleS of Order at each meeting and guaranteeing the collection of over 200 dollars. As an MWR representative, he coordinated with senior officials to create the USS Frank Cable Spring Egg Hunt, raising overall morale.
-MOTIVATED CORPSMAN. ########## is an ambitious and dedicated corpsman who continuously rises to the occasion and provides exceptional patient care within his short seven months aboard. He exemplified diligence by assisting 5 providers in the completion of over 492 patient appointments, 500 sick call encounters, 150 medication distributions, and responses to 7 medical emergencies resulting in need for a higher echelon of care in civilian hospitals for both MSC and military personnel.
-MISSION IMPACT. In providing exemplary training to 365 personnel in Tactical Combat Casualty Care Level 1, he contributed to the readiness of personnel on board to reach the 90% goal set by the SECDEF for the entire ship. As DC105 and DC310 instructor, ####### instructed over 100 sailors to full PQS standards ensuring duty section readiness and ESWS qualification with zero failures.


OUTSTANDING LEADER. As Shift Team Lead, led a team of 13 HMs in support of 12 nurses delivering high quality care to 780 patients and beneficiaries. These included 7 ICU patients and 5 Host Nation transports requiring a high degree of interoperability in a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and HMs. Her vast knowledge and skills contributed to department's 97% patient satisfaction rate as well as the quality and highly reliable nursing care services it provides. She has managed daily operations and end of shift tasking, actively communicating and collaborating with nurses in creating and implementation of daily assignments. Created a unit daily check go-by, and co-authored a Mental Health Room SOP.

HM2 Neisius leads with the navy core values, and in so doing excels in any position placed
QUALITY WORK: While on orders at IRT Birchwood, TN, HM2 helped process patients, perform check-ups, and assist other military members in their tasks. A total of 1,579 civilians were provided free medical services, saving the community a total of $638,535.
PROFESSIONAL: HM2 took it upon himself to expand on what he knew and attended training courses provided on AT. He spent a total of 8 and a half hours in trainings for Suture, Dive Medicine, and Systolic Murmurs.
HM2 Neisius has shown that he is driven to be the best corpsman and sailor he can be, always open to learning more, and should be promoted.

OUTSTANDING LEADER. Led 9 Sailors in support of 6 providers in the care of 2,000 in-processing female Recruits in the only Contraception clinic in Navy Boot camp. Led the Walk-In Contraception (WIC) pilot program resulting in 671 Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) requests, a 12% increase. Promoted birth control awareness to 3,000 female Sailors in 60 integrated division resulting in a 35% increased readiness. His leadership resulted in four CDBs, four mid-term counselings, one EOTs and one advancement.

- METICULOUS MANAGER. Supervised the input on 20,000 COVID-19 cards for 13 Divisions in AHLTA ; resulting in no delay in Boot camp Graduation. Snow watch bill section leader, led 9 Sailors in cleanliness of clinic perimeters, ensured safe daily foot traffic for staff and patients. Assisted in the implementation of PINC Clinic successfully running HCG testing for 3800 recruits. Conducted weekly walkthroughs inspections in accordance with the Joint regulations resulting in 3 passed zone inspections.

-ASTUTE COORDINATOR. Managed 8 sponsors and maintained the Sponsorship Program of Red Rover Clinic, resulting in a smooth transfer for 24 Sailors. As DMHRSI Timekeeper, manage, reviewed and tracked the completion of 72 timecards of clinic staff resulting in 100% completion and submission.

AN ANCHOR ON MY SICKCALL TEAM! Assisted the Operational Medicine Team in initiating 1,913 patient care encounters, collected 400 lab samples, assisted with 10 minor procedures, and assisted in the coordination of a shotex for a crew of 1K.

Technical Leader. As Olympic Team Lead, directly supervised 18 staff in support of 11 providers through 2,449 patient encounters. Ensured 100% support staff coverage through the management of 21 weekly schedules. Assisted two providers with 217 patients, performing 54 minor procedures to include 20 electrocardiograms, ten pap well women exams, five pelvic exams, and three cyst drainages which sustained quality service during DHA transition that decreased support staff and maintained a 90% patient satisfaction rate.

- MISSION DRIVEN. As office supervisor for Medical Readiness and the PHA office, he trained and qualified 2 junior sailors in the medical readiness department, assisted in completing 463 PHA appointments, scheduled 623 PHA appointments, reviewed 561 patient records, and ordered a total of 358 labs for patients. His efforts resulted in 835 Sailors being cleared as fully medically ready resulting in a 24.1% increase in deployable forces across 44 tenant commands. He lead 4 junior sailors in the PHA office and increased NAS Jacksonville overall medical readiness by 6%, increased Navy Medicine Readiness Training Command overall medical readiness by 4%, increased CPRW11 RC MGT DET overall medical readiness 50%, increased DDNI SSO Jacksonville overall medical readiness 33.5%.
- COMMAND INVOLVED. As part of the Process Improvement Team, he worked with the DHA Representative, Department Head, and OIC to develop a new medical readiness process for 44 tenant commands. As the pilot test for Navy Medicine, he implemented the Virtual Integrated Patient Readiness and Remote Care Clinic (VIPPR) for NMRTC and the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit, which raised overall medical readiness for NMRTC 4% and CNATTU 2.9%.
- NAVY ADVOCATE. He volunteered 27 hours with the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps which improved community relations and introduced potential Sailors to the Navy.

As a valuable and productive member of 4th MLG, HM3 was instrumental in administering flu shots, HIV screenings and numerous blood draws, record review and maintenance for 340 marines attached to 6th communications battalion allowing for 100 percent mobilization ready force. While on field exercise with 4th Medical Battalion, HM3 was selected to be A-driver for the convoy and appointed squad leader of 10 junior personnel. He also assisted in the set-up and breakdown of a shock trauma platoon. Which resulted in invaluable training for 100 personnel, both officer and enlisted.

HM1 Mojica is a rare, natural born leader that has the innate ability to produce exemplary results while integrating espirit de corps for the entire unit. He leads with confidence!
-DECKLPLATE LEADERSHIP: Responsible for 26+ Enlisted Sailors and daily operations in supporting 12 medical and dental providers with 70+ monthly periodic health assessments valued at $162,019 that sustained medical readiness at 80% at the largest NOSC. He submitted 2 MAP packages, 7 BJOQ/JSOQ/SOQ packages, with 3 Sailors being selected.
-DEDICATED MENTOR: Coordinated a mentoring event for 39 Sailors to bridge the Chiefs mess with the units. Conducted 59 hrs of advancement training and mentoring to 34 Sailors which resulted in 6 promotions. Invested 17 off-duty hrs to develop a course on Navy Reserve Fundamentals with 14 topics to orient Sailors in the SELRES. Collaborated with the U.S. Army 11th PSYOP Battalion for 6 Sailors to provide medical support for 60 soldiers and two Sailors with M16 quals.
PFA: Exempted due to Excellent Medium score during 18-2 cycle.
-AT: 02-15JUN2019, Operation Iron Trident, MCB Quantico, VA. Assisted in the facilitation of the ORE that resulted in 26 TCCC and 42 HMSB certifications and the execution of 4,738 training hours. As Platoon and Squad Leader, he directly led 31 Sailors with 100% accountability and troop movement.
ADT: 10-12MAY2019, Region I ORE Portsmouth, NH. Provided land navigation and SELRES fundamental course to 30 Sailors.
HM1 Mojica is already performing at the level of Chief Petty Officer and is overdue for anchors. PROMOTE NOW!

**** Number X of X Second Class Petty Officers ****

HM2 Gardner's drive and initiative have established him as an invaluable asset to the unit.
-OUTSTANDING LEADER. HM2 Gardner led 4 Sailors in the oversight of 157 Marines during 3 live fire ranges, day/night patrol and two unit hikes across a large geographical area. He directly coordinated the care of 8 patients to BN BAS or higher echelon. He expertly led a medical stand-down managing a staff of 6 civilians and 4 enlisted resulting in a 7% increase in medical readiness for the company, resulting in 88% medical readiness for the BN, the highest ever.
-ENGAGED MENTOR. He conducted 4 CDBs for 4 Sailors, resulting in 100% FMF PQS enrollment. Upon earning his EFMFWS device he was hand selected to be the BN FMF Coordinator and proctored 33 hours of FMF training resulting in 2 Sailors earning their FMF warfare device.
-COMMAND IMPACT. HM2 Gardner was dual billeted and volunteered for ADT orders in support of NOSC Corpus Christi while remaining engaged as LPO for Company C. His expertise was crucial in creating/verifying 564 medical/dental records, ensuring compliance of 27 reserve injury cases with an adjudication of 89% and return to full duty of 92%, resulting in a passing score of 91% for the command assessment. HM2 Gardner facilitated 710 hours of Combat Life Savers to 71 Marines and Sailors achieving 93% basic skill test requirement for this fiscal year in preparation for the BN's Annual Training requirement.
HM2 Gardner's performance and conduct are unsurpassed and he has a bright future ahead!

Assisted with the treatment of NMCB1 during sick call to include wound treatment, EKG monitoring, blood draws, minor procedures and overall documenting of electronic health record. Additionally, helped providers with Physicals, Suitability Screenings, and Reenlistment paperwork.

Outstanding model of pride and professionalism, representing in an exemplary manner.

MISSION. Integrated sound teamwork and professionalism while working in Internal Medicine, seeing 5400 patients annualy for AD Sick Call, 32 of which he saw personally and presented to a provider. Examined over 560 Sports Medicine patients, and performed over 25 intramuscular injections. While working in the Emergency Department, he skillfully placed over 500 intravenous catheters, 43 performed with the ultrasound machine, performed 213 EKGs, participated in and transported 74 patients to various clinics throughout the hosptial.

Command Involvement. In an effort to promote pride and esprit de corps, HN participated in 11 Color Guard and morning color ceremonies and received a coin and honors for outstanding perfomance from the base CO. As a member of the Coalition for Service Members against Destructive Decisions, he organized and hosted five events, inspiring support and good decision making from his peers.

-COMPETENT TECHNICIAN. One of seven corpsmen in the Tripler Army Medical Center clincal sustainment rotation, he augmented staffing shortage and increased medical surgical ward bed capacity. He provided care for 214 Geriatric patients and paved the way for 3d Medical Battalion personnel. Assisted as a recorder in Northern Viper as a Role II corpsman, rendering aid to 12 patients. As a Role I corpsman, he assisted live fire training units which resulted in improvements in cold weather tactics, techniques and procedures for over 2,300 marines.
-EFFECTIVE MANAGER. HM3 Gipson led 10 junior Marines in 32 accumulated labor hours of movement and storage of furniture worth $3.5M and provided 2 medical coverages totaling 10 hours during the Camp Schwab peaceful strike event during which his implementation of safety and direct supervision resulted in zero mishaps and 2 successful evolutions.


-Quality of Work. Supply subject matter expert, accurately managed the laboratory's annual OPTAR of $600K ensuring proper use of funds and upholding the hospital's mission of providing quality patient care by procuring 250 critical laboratory items. Equipment Petty Officer, flawlessly conducted a gain of equipment worth over $270K.
-Mission Oriented. Excellent phlebotomist, performed over 500 venipunctures upholding the highest quality patient care at each encounter resulting in a 100% satisfaction rate. Properly trained and turned over with one new Supply PO which promoted continuity between supply Petty Officers. Command Sponsor, ensured 10 new Sailors' PCS was smooth which resulted in a positive first impression on new check-ins.
-Community Involvement. Vice President of the Diversity Committee, organized 10 events and helped raise $1,500 towards the 121st Corpsman Ball fostering morale through the command. Dedicated 313 hours of community service as a wrestling coach motivating the youth to excel and exemplifying the Navy's core values within the community. An exceptional Sailor whose efforts are a direct reflection of her dedication to mission success, personal work ethic and her commitment to her peers and junior Sailors.




-DECKPLATE LEADERSHIP. His Sailors succeed! Led and trained 16 LSE's, 6 FDO's, and 26 crewmen during Pacific Partnership 2018, producing 5 advancements, 11 NAMs and 75 LOAs. Ranked overall #1 EP of USNS Mercy's 20 highly motivated Second-Class Petty Officers in Operations Department. Led and mentored 17 Sailors in EM, enrolling 5 Sailors into USMAPS.
-MISSION ORIENTED. Led USNS Mercy's Air Division during PP18 in the "OUTSTANDING" execution of AVCERT and ISATT ensuring 100% mission readiness. FDO and LSE; completed 720 mishap-free Helo operations, 300 fueling evolutions, 12 VERTREPs, 50 PAX and 11 medivac drills. Assistant Operation Dept. ESWS Coordinator and Deck/Navigation expert; trained 300 personnel and chaired 55 ESWS boards resulting in qualification of 200 personnel onboard.
-COMMAND LEADER. As Command Decontamination lead, trained over 60 personnel for First Receiver Operations Training (FROT), encompassing 6 clinics. PO INDOC Instructor for March FY18 advancement exam. Altruistically devoted 48 hours of humanitarian efforts in 7th fleet AOR, including 5 ceremonies as hand selected Honorary Boatswains Mate, reinforcing relations with four Foreign Nations in support of the Pacific Partnership mission.


DEDICATED PROGRAM MANAGER. As Health Promotions Program Administrator, he conducted over 60 hours of Health Promotions for over 3631 personnel which encouraged healthier lifestyles and improved Force Health Protection.
KNOWLEDGEABLE INSTRUCTOR. While onboard the USNS Comfort, he provided 275 hours of Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Guidance for over 46k foreign civilians, military members, and government workers on topics including Proper hygiene, Tuberculosis, HIV and Safe Sex, Heat Injuries Prevention Treatment, Mosquito and Vector, Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Proper Mouth Hygiene in support of USNS Comfort treating over 154k patients throughout Enduring Promise 2019.

While assigned to BHC 1523 USS Red Rover, Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, HN2 Metterson saw 12,000 patients for allergy screenings, positive PARFQ answers, elevated blood pressure, and counseled patients with elevated glucose and body fat levels. She performed all these collateral duties while simultaneously assisting in the creation of over 75,000 naval medical records. She also saved the Navy over 200,000 dollars in temporary berthing costs by recovering medical paperwork vital to recruits transferred from RTC.

Leadership: As an Alpha Company Senior Line Corpsman, he led the medical coverage for 15 field training exercises. His efforts ensured maximum safety precautions which resulted in zero mishaps. He coordinated and conducted over 200 immunizations, 100 PHAs, 60 sickcalls, 150 audiograms, and 75 HIV screenings. His knowledge and expertise is truly remarkable in increasing the command medical readiness by 20%.

Outstanding Supply Petty Officer: As Supply Petty Officer, he created a Standard Operation Procedure which streamlined the procurement process while managing the Battalion's $500k OPTAR. He maintained 100% accounting of more than 300 line items from three different AMALS that resulted in all time lowest POST LTI. Additionally, he coordinated and acquired 10 Medbag and 10 CLS Bag refill kits worth $40,000 without costing the battalion and ultimately increased Battalion's Medical Capability.

Key Player: HM3 Ghimire coordinated and acquired the immunizations and equipment on three different occasions in support of immunization drives which resulted in 90% medical readiness.


-PERFORMANCE ABOVE PAYGRADE. Served as PAD acting LPO and ALPO during significant staff turnover. Led and managed 12 Junior Sailors, resulted in 1 spot NAM, 1 MAP, 4 college enrollments, 5 CDBs, 3 SOQ nominations and 100 percent PFA pass rate. Supervised 29 civilians in the daily completion of 8 Command level, BUMED tracked program. Effectively aided to maintain BUMED compliance within all programs.
-PROGRAM MANAGER. Spearheaded the Command Service Treatment Record (STR) program, managed accountability, archival, and shipment of 668 STR s to Navy Medical Records Activity, effectively maintained a 100 percent accountability rate surpassing the BUMED requirement of 95 percent. Served as the direct liaison between PERS-954 Navy Personnel Command, HQ Marine Corps MMSR-4, HQ Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, and Naval Hospital Pensacola for the management of the Command Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL) program. Coordinated the scheduling of required Periodic Physical Evaluations, Travel Arrangements, and patient education for 201 TDRL cases, which effectively allowed for the continuance of Service Member retirement benefits and continuity of care.


            *** Directorate for Administration's Sailor of the Year FY 2018! ***
-RECOGNIZED EXPERT. As project lead for the Main Operating Room's equipment upgrades, led two Sailors and coordinated installation services between clinical staff and Stryker service specialist the installation staff on the fundamentals of new image capturing equipment, resulted in increased Main OR staff proficiency.
-INSPIRING MENTOR. Overhauled the Command's Motorcycle Safety program which increased compliance from 70 percent to 96 percent. As a CMC Challenge coordinator, led 30 Sailors and promoted teamwork, athletics, and moral for Sailors in the command. Mentored 5 Sailors, resulted in three Sailors enrollment in college and one Sailor of the Quarter selection.
-CONSUMMATE PROFESSIONAL. Coordinated the opening of Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport's health clinic by integrating with NAVMEDLOGCOM and Navy Medicine East. Led three Sailors in the completion of 370 acceptance inspections for $2.5M of medical and dental equipment. Ensured the equipment was properly accounted for, transferred, installed and operating correctly.
Member is exempt from PRT achieved an Outstanding Medium score on previous cycle.
HM2 Mclaughlin is a superstar! Excelling in a demanding environment.

Superior performer with tremendous leadership abilities which resulted in her selection as DSS JSOQ 2nd Quarter! Acting LPO for 14 days, HM3 Erickson led her Corpsman with the maturity of a seasoned Second Class.

LEADERSHIP. As the Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) Clinic ALPO, she mentored and provided career guidance to 22 Sailors across three separate clinics resulting in one advancement, two Command BJOQs, five evaluations, two C-WAY applications, six Career Development Boards, two Tuition Assistance enrollments, two Navy Cool certifications, and nine Tactical Casualty Combat Care completions. As the department's Supply Petty Officer, managed $1.8M in supplies and equipment, guaranteeing unbroken support for Navy Medicine's third busiest OB/GYN department.
PATIENT CARE. One of three enlisted Sailors qualified as a Centering facilitator she assisted with the provision of care through the Command's Centering Program for pregnant mothers, delivered 80 hours of hands-on care and education to 55 beneficiaries across 20 weekly sessions. Additionally conducted eight Bystander Intervention courses for 125 Active Duty staff members.
COMMUNITY LEADER. Organized four volunteer events within the Directorate for 46 Sailors, contributing 368 man-hours to the restoration and preservation efforts aboard the battleship USS North Carolina.
HM3 Erickson has and continues to exceed the standards of her rank and peer group, and has earned my highest recommendation for promotion and retention.


HARD CHARGER. While serving as the Gynecology (GYN) Clinic ALPO and Supply Petty Officer, HN Muse led and supervised eight staff members through 1,000 monthly patient encounters and procured over $8,000 in medical supplies and the inventory of $55K worth of laboratory equipment, ensuring the continued delivery of seamless patient care. Trained and oriented one civilian staff member throughout the completion of the GYN laboratory collateral.
METICULOUS EXPERT. As the Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) Training Petty Officer, she maintained 93 staff records across three workspaces and coordinated the enrollment of eight enlisted Sailors in 12 educational courses to better improve their medical knowledge and skills. In support of Command's Centering Program she co-facilitated five separate groups in care of 45 pregnant patients across 50 weekly sessions and 100 hours, providing hands-on education and care regarding trimester fetal development and maternal health.

Already performing at the level of a senior HM3, HN Muse has my highest recommendation for promotion!

-Clinical Expert. Alongside the Command's sole Gastroenterologist, HM3 Brown provided flawless patient care to 1.4K beneficiaries in the prevention and maintenance of Gastroenterological (GI) illnesses and diseases. Directly responsible for assisting all GI endoscopy procedures, completing 156 procedures over 115 hours, and trained and qualified two newly assigned Junior Sailors to the workspace, significantly enhancing departmental capabilities and readiness.
-Process Improvement Champion. Spearheaded the Multi-Service Clinic's Process Improvement initiative wherein he meticulously compiled monthly data reports to gauge quality, continuity, and efficiency of patient care. His in-depth analysis identified multiple opportunities to improve overall service and the continued delivery of safe, timely and patient-centered care, ultimately producing a 30% decrease in patient delays.

HM3 Brown has been an invaluable asset to the department and Command, and stands ready for increased responsibility.

Significantly improved Acute Care Area productivity through collaborative efforts with command coding team. Mentored 19 department staff in documentation skills and patient assessment techniques which resulted in 50% increase in accurate workload capture. Committed to staff development and quality patient care, she instructed 30 nursing staff in the Trauma Nursing Core Course resulting in a $100,000 cost avoidance for the command. Instrumental in developing junior staff, she instructed 20 corpsmen on Sick Call Screener's Course and conducted 11 classes for 20 department staff on a variety of acute care and emergency medicine topics. A staunch advocate for patient safety, she ensured the consistent implementation of evidenced-based best practices in Acute Care. Also supervised a comprehensive review of more than 30 departmental policies while ensuring 100% compliance with Joint commission standards.

Selected over peers to be a member of the Decon Team and was responsible for conducting more than 100 training courses for other team members. As a Crash Cart Petty Officer, she conducted over 50 Code Blue drills in the department resulting in 100% compliance with the command. While serving as a NucMed Tech in Naval Hospital Jacksonville, he provided care for more than 1,000 patients from in and around Jacksonville and members who are forward deployed.

Petty Officer Wayne's superior performance of duty while acting as the Department LCPO and then as the Acting Leading Chief of the Hyperbaric Division of the Medical Department has made a significant impact on the overall rescue capabilities of the Deep Submergence Unit. The unique nature of the Medical Department creates a variety of challenges for training, professional knowledge and personal independence which HM1 Wayne has not only managed to meet, but exceed all expectations. Under his leadership, medical personnel have seen an advancement rate of 80% of eligible members to the next paygrade. His dedication to the department and command is second to none, spending numerous off-duty hours scheduling medical readiness appointments, coordinating personnel, supporting major training evolutions, and providing mentoring for junior sailors. While performing the duties of Department LCPO, HM1 Wayne fully integrated with the command leadership with his mature communication skills and professionalism. He is an obvious choice for Sailor of the Year and will be a welcomed member of the Chief Petty Officer Mess in the near future.

-UNMATCHED INITIATIVE. Facilitated the timely and proper completion of new staff member training for 19 enlisted personnel. Completed didactic and initial certification of 86 items on the department competency sheet for Emergent and Acute Care clinics. His efforts had a positive impact on patient care, by personally training each individual, which reduced the delay at which new staff were able to begin seeing patients by a full week.

Led 4 Sailors and 3 civilians to assist 4 physicians in providing world class health care to 1.5K beneficiaries. Spearheaded the creation and implementation of the first transgender care SOP which resulted in the accurate healthcare management of 99 patients. Organized departmental training for 4 sailors increasing clinic efficiency by 66%. Efficiently tracked departmental competencies and command training for 11 staff members earning a 96% rating for Endocrinology/Rheumatology clinics. Co-facilitated one POSLC courses in his commitment to motivating and developing his junior sailors.

-SUPERB MANAGER. Directly managed 800 patient disenrollment cases for clinic realignment coordinating referral submissions, medication refills and telephone consultations resulting in the efficient transfer of care. Dedicated 48 hours implementing new policies and procedures for medication management standards in accordance with Joint Commission resulting in 100% compliance by the Pharmacy Department.

Field Medical Service Technician Headquarters & Service Company, 1st Battalion, 3D Marines, 3D Marine Regiment, 3D Marine Division from March 2015 through February 2018. Hospitalman Loncar's skills and professionalism have made him a valuable member of the team and sought after by both Junior and Senior HMs alike.
Trained 10 Junior and Senior Corpsmen on daily BAS operations which include CHCS and AHLTA systems. As a front desk clerk, he successfully booked over 200 patient appointments, personally completed over 300 patient encounters including 20 EKGs, 38 referrals, 50 Physicals, 300 PHAs, 800 Immunizations and over 500 blood draws in support of 10 Medical providers.

Decreased the loss of training time and maintained a high standard of combat effectiveness throughout 3d Marine Regiment. As the assistant medical records PO, assisted in maintaining 900 treatment records and verified 243 records, directly contributing to the overall inspection readiness of the BAS during CGRI. Provided medical coverage for multiple Marine Corps training exercises totaling over 100 hours for over 500 Marines. During this time his skill and ability as a Corpsman was exhibited as he treated multiple casualties including a neck laceration, 18 heat casualties and 4 cold weather injuries.

As the subject matter expert on Ambulatory Procedure Unit, HM3 Wiltse was directly in charge of training 16 nurses and 20 corpsmen on staging and recovery of all surgery patients during the merging of an inpatient ward and outpatient unit. His dedication and effort to ensure all staff members were properly trained directly resulted in zero delay and ensured the continuity of care and safety for over 1300 surgery patients.

As the Medical LPO, he oversaw the influenza stand down for over 120 SELRES resulting in 90% compliance. He assisted with the medical/dental stand down resulting in 80% compliance. As Training Petty Officer, HM2 Buentello tracked and maintained the records for the FY18 GMTs. He supervised the required EMF Dallas One Platform Tier II training with 100% completion ahead of schedule. He collected and submitted 4 FY 18 AT nominations. HM2 Buentello has completed all required FY 18 GMTs at this time. He demonstrates an excellent work ethic for all to follow. HM2 Buentello has my highest recommendation for SOQ!!

MISSION ORIENTED: Planned, coordinated, and executed the embarkation of $200K of Class VIII medical equipment, and as sole medical provider triaged and treated 25 patients in support of (Command) Field Exercise. Developed and executed the medical readiness plan for 131 personnel in preparation for deployment.

FIRST LEVEL LEADERSHIP. Trained and supervised 15 Sailors in completion of 680 sick call encounters, 45 procedures, completed 78 PHAs, 163 vaccinations administered, 68 HIV tests and 896 MRRS, AHLTA/CHCS entries and the coordination of 146 Dental examinations for 458 personnel which maintained an Operational Medical and Dental Readiness of 95% and 97% respectfully.

MISSION DRIVEN. As H&S and Bravo Company Senior Line Corpsman, HM3 assisted in the planning and organization 124 hours of field coverage for various exercises to include 11 live fire ranges, two Gunneries, seven field exercises, and three Battalion level events which yielded zero lost training time and contributed to mission success.

PROGRAM MANAGER. As the LIMDU/PEB coordinator, he oversaw the care and rehabilitation of 12 Marines in various phases of LIMDU/PEB while maintaining liaison between NH Camp Lejeune, Battalion Surgeon and patients. His efforts returned four Marines to full duty, referred two Marines to PEB, medically separated/retired three and transferred three to WWBN.

- READINESS SME. As medical readiness petty officer, coordinated the care and pre-deployment readiness for 75 Marines deploying as attachments to the 31st MEU and an Iraq SPMAGTF with 1/7, raising their medical readiness from 20% to 100%. Oversaw the maintenance and amdministration of 1,232 vaccinations, 398 audiograms, 405 Periodic Health Assessments, 464 dental exams, and 208 HIV tests, increasing overall battalion readiness 20%.

Lead Petty Officer for Wounded Ill and Injured

HM3 Martin revised the WII and HWD Front Desk SOP, with the focus of enhancing patient experience and reducing patient assessment time, which resulted in increased patient compliance with program requirement guidelines. Was directly responsible for 13 Health and Wellness Department providers who facilitate 48 classes and clinics, which has served 358 LIMDU, MTU, Wounded Warrior Battalion patients and beneficiaries. These programs resulted in improved medical statuses and increased happiness in the patient s daily lives. Implemented a process that streamlined the WII Wellness assessment process. This process improvement increased efficiency by 85% which allowed patients to consult with multiple program managers in a single visit. Additionally, this process reduced patient assessment time by 33%, which increased effective and timely patient care.

Recognized expert. Strategically trained and led a team of four technicians to manage an annual budget of $2.5M, the largest departmental budget at USNH, as well as the weekly requisition & replenishment of 913 pharmaceutical line-items which ensured an average of 44 days of stock metric which exceeded BUMED and Navy Pharmacy standards.

Drawing on past experience, initiated multiple classes to the staff on infections control procedures as well as creating SOP for instrument processing and leading 10 in-services on clinical procedures and techniques. Selected to orient three new sailors to the section, completing their orientation in a timely and professional manner.

As Supply and Equipment Manager he was in charge of 500k worth of medical equipment and supplies and managed a supply budget of 12k quarterly. His oversight led to 100% equipment accountability and no supply shortfalls throughout his time in charge.

Coordinated with Bahrain and Souda Bay in the acquisition of ambulances on their behalf. Saving the command 50k in the maintenance and contracting fees. Redesigned and implemented a new supply system in the emergency department that resulted in the command saving over 12k annually on items that were not commonly used in the ED.

His position as Assistant Command UPC led to him monitoring 200 command urinalysis testing and being in charge of testing four different commands in the NAS SIG area. During his oversight there was 100% compliance and accountability with no hits for the command.

A lead instructor for the hospital he was instrumental in the facilitation of several emergency management courses to including TCCC, BLS, and ACLS. He instructed more than 100 students totaling over 200 man hours. He was also responsible for the certifying 50 plus staff members in HMSB training.

While working as an EMT, he was involved in the pre-hospital care of 100 plus patients. Three of whom were critically ill and his judgement had a direct inpact on their survival. (Member thrown out of van, Suicidal women, Member who fell off of skateboard).

As ED LPO, he implemented daily training and ensured that members being assigned to the Emergency department were well orientated and able to provide comprehensive medical care so that all patients who were treated had the greatest chance of recovery.

During his time as the DMS LPO he conducted 20 CDB s making sure that all Sailors needs were being met and goals achieved. He helped 16 Sailors to negotiate orders and make sure that they were maintaining their correct Sea Shore rotations and meeting the needs of the Navy and also benefitting their careers.

Laboratory Technician

Maintain an accurate laboratory patient reporting and resulting for the ship. Ran over 200 laboratory tests with 100% accuracy. Brought the laboratory authorized medical allowance list from ? % to 95%, blood bank authorize medical allowance list from ? % to 100% and the walking blood bank donor program form 8% to 17.5%. Passed the Technical Assist Visit (TAV) without any hits earning him the highest grade in all laboratories afloat of 100%.

Orthopedics Clinic-5

Responsible for preparing exam rooms, assisting in medical procedures and clerical duties. WATCH: Clinic Late Stay-5; Command Duty-4. PFA: 14-1.

Equipment Petty Officer

As an Equipment Petty Officer, skillfully tracked last maintenance date and location of equipment and accounted for 605 items including isolates, warmers, ventilators in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit by conducting wall to wall inventory, guaranteeing critical medical equipment safety. She successfully completed bi-annual pump month for the pediatric department accounting for 293 IV pumps, ensured pump exchange, preventive maintenance on schedule, and prompt return, elevating patient care standards.

Hospital Corpsman

- HM2 Garcia performance is nothing short of "outstanding". He sought out every opportunity to enhance a culture of fitness and wellness resulting in increased retention. PRT LPO: Demonstrating outstanding organizational skills Petty Officer Garcia led 75 Assistant Command Fitness Leaders in providing 900 hours of training for 1200 members resulting in 98 percent PFA passing rate.

As program director for the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic course, he provided over 300 hours of instruction and produced a 100% pass rate. In addition, he facilitated 13 Basic Life Support certification courses.

OUTSTANDING PROGRAM MANAGER: Established CORIVRON 11's 3M program for the medical department and passed the first ISIC and TYCOM inspections at 90% while scoreing 100% on over 40 spot checks. As RPPO, maintains over $60,000 worth of medical supplies and equipment and saved over $5,000 on medical's budget by utilizing the Navy RSO dept.

EXCELLENT WORK ETHIC: As the ALPO of Medical, he managed, verified and updated 347 dual physical and electronic health records into the Navy's Medical Readiness Reporting System. Coordinated,supervised and performed the administration of 382 flu shots,130 immunizations,25 Physical Health Assessments,40 audiograms, scheduling of 52 medical and 27 dental exams,12 hours of Individual Combat Skills (ICS) and CPR/AED training and 68 hours of rifle range medical support for mission pre-deployment /deployment qualifications standards ultimately increasing the unit's medical readiness from 65% to 95% maintained.

HM2 xxx'S technical acumen, aggressive work ethic and dedication to the command's mission and success brings an invaluable presence to Coastal Riverine Squadron 11.

As Leading Petty Officer of the Tri-Service Clinic, played a key role in the Process Improvement implementation of embedded immunization in support of Medical Home Port initiative.

Efficiently managed the Occuapationl Therapy and Vestibular rehab services clinics which supported over 50,000 patient encounters.

Initiated and managed the successful Adopt-a-School Program which harnessed the talents of 55 Naval Hospital Sailors and provided over 1000 hours of support to the community.

2. Duties Assigned and Number of Months Assigned During This Report Period

a. Unit Assigned: 1st Battalion 2nd Marines Weapons Company

b. Primary Duties: Charlie Company Weapons Platoon Guns Section Corpsman 2 Months. H&S S-6 Corpsman 4 Months. Weapons Company Mortars Section Corpsman 6 Months. Mortar Section Corpsman entails providing medical care to 40 0341 mortarmen, 1 Platoon SGT, and 1 Platoon Commander, additionally providing care to 10 Scouts section Marines, 1 Company Commander, 1 Executive Officer, 1 Company First Sgt, 1 Air Officer, and 2 JTAC as needed. This job includes rendering field medical care to marines under austere environments and unfavored conditions, who frequently operate in the field with minimal medical support. Training marines in TCCC, CLS, patient care, sterile techniques, bedside manner, documentation, and PCC. Assisting Mortarmen in their duties of radio operator, call for fire, fire direction control chief, gunner, assistant gunner, ammo man, and security.

c. Collateral Duties: Dental Rep

d. Watch Standing Duties: BAS / MCMH Heat Deck

e. TEMADD / TEMDU / AT / ADT etc. (where, when, and why) (Big Field Events)

-18-22SEP 2023 Provided Safety Coverage for Tactical Small Unit Leaders Course of 100 Marines

-26-27SEP2023 Provided Safety Coverage for Vehicle Operations of 30 Marines

-10-20OCT2023 Provided safety coverage for Battalion FEX, participated in PCC at Field BAS on 12OCT2023 and provided safety coverage for 40 Marines during Live fire exercise. -22NOV2023 Provided walking medical coverage during battalion 10-mile hike.

-29-30JAN 2024, participated in a 2-day winter survival field operation while caring for 60 Marines.

-31JAN-2FEB2024 participated in a 3-day Mortar range with Norwegian Allies while providing care to 20 Marines and Training to 1 Norwegian Medic

-03-12FEB2024 participated in a 10-day field operation and ski march for the battalion while providing care to 60 marines of Weapons Company and Fire Support Battery, including treatment of cold weather injuries, evacuation, and care.

-18-24FEB2024 participated in an 8-day live fire mortar range in cohesion with Norwegian Allies providing care to 20 Marines.

-03-16MARCH2024 participated in Nordic Response at Alta while providing care for 60 Marines of Weapons Company and Fire Support Battery

f. Significant periods not available for duty, if any. ( If the first report is at this command, include any delay or TEMDU before reporting.) do not include brief illness or normal leave. ( e-leave if relevant.

3. Job Information

a. Principal Activities and Responsibilities. Include equipment operated or qualified to operate and "customers" served, if applicable.

-Qualified in the operation of vitals equipment, EKG machines, Corpsman med bag, PVS-31 and ecotti night vision, m18, m4, m27, m2 browning, m240b, mk19, 60/ 81mm mortar systems, AN/PRC-117G, AN/PRC-153, AN/PRC-152, and AN/PRC-160 radios

b. Individual accomplishments, including experience gained and contributions to team achievements.

-I attended class under JEA at 2nd CEB for the Corpsman Assault Pack refill kit order class.

-13-14SEP2024 submitted over 100 TCONS for orthopedic referrals in support of IDC for unit lethality and preventive care.

-18SEP2023 treated, evacuated, and provided post-op care for marine requiring stitches.

-20-21SEP2023 treated thumb sprain and Administered IV fluids to marine in treatment of kidney injury, which sustained unit effectiveness

-06DEC2023 Conducted 20 HIV draws for marines in need of due lab, which enhanced force readiness

-13DEC2023 Conducted a Weapons Company IMR list scrub, which included 27 Marines to enhance readiness and overall lethality.

-02MAR2024 provided medications and IV therapy to Section Leader in treatment of pneumonia.

-04-09APR2024 provided safety structure for mortars section PT, provided medical screening and care during the sick call of 5 patients, conducted MSK exams, and provided referrals

-01-06MAY2024 saw six patients and conducted final physical examinations and mock exams.

-Scheduled over 500 appointments during this eval period

c. Responsibilities for classified material:

4. Supervision and Leadership

a. Growth and development of subordinates:

-17-19MAR2024 conducted 10 hrs of FMF study session with five corpsmen and instructed on proper use/ navigation of NSIPS

-22MAR2024 Conducted equipment maintenance and inspection of AMALS.

-08APR2024 Conducted 8 HR TCCC class for Mortars Section

29-30APR2024 instructed three corpsmen to order HIV labs properly, reschedule patients, and perform TCON procedures using the GENESIS system.

01-02MAY2024 instructed one corpsman on patient check-in procedures, SOAP notes, HPI patient assessment, performing final physicals, MSK exams, proper greeting of the day, and 11 general orders.

06 MAY 2024 Organized and trained two corpsmen on the proper use of the Training Jacket, provided instruction on setting up and using the printer, scheduling patients, navigating JKO, member data summary, finding orders on NSIPS, performing msk exams, writing a brag sheet, and performing a 2-hour fmf study.

-03-07MAY2024 Acting Senior Line due to Senior Line taking leave.

b. Personnel directly supervised (subdivided by military, civilians, and reservists)

One HN

Two HM3s

c. Personnel supervised through subordinates (subdivided as above). Reserve LCPOs and LPOs may mention cross-assigned Personnel supervised as applicable to their operational support plan.

d. Equipment and material for which responsible

e. Size of budget managed

f. Leadership activities and accomplishments. Include team and subordinate accomplishments that reflect your leadership.

g. Performance as an instructor (classroom or on the job)

h. Counseling given (formal or informal)

i. Retention efforts and results

5. Special achievements

a. Qualifications achieved during the period (or during the prior period if not mentioned in the previous report)

-FMF pin 21JUN2023

b. Educational courses completed and diplomas or certificates awarded

SDI: English Composition, Physical Science, Machining and Manufacturing of Firearms, and Shooting Sports Management.

c. Personal awards and letters of commendation or appreciation received

-1 FLOC for contributing force design 2030

-1 LOA for Safety Coverage and instruction of NROTC midshipmen

-1 LOA for Honor Flight

-Motivator of the Month

6. Off-duty Activities

a. Educational courses attended

Sonoran Desert Institute: English Composition, Physical Science, Machining and Manufacturing of Firearms, and Shooting Sports Management.

b. Civic activities

c. Voluntary public relations on behalf of the Navy.

-Honor Flight for Veterans returning to Wilmington airport from Washington D.C. memorial under senior corpsman.

d. Reservist's civilian employment. Note promotions or special accomplishments during the period.

7. Future Duties/Schools desired

8. Other Items for Consideration

a. Contributions to command or organizational climate/equal opportunity and military bearing/character.

b. Comment on command culture and workplace environment conducive to the judicious use of energy (fuel, shore power, etc).

c. Comment on contribution to building an innovative culture within the DON.

Examples can be contributed using this form. Thanks!