Navy Leadership Eval Examples

Organizing, Motivating, and Developing Others to Accomplish Goals

1.0 Below Standards 3.0 Meets Standards 5.0 Exceeds Standards

- Neglects growth/ development or welfare of subordinates
- Fails to organize, creates problems for subordinates
- Does not set or achieve goals relevant to command mission and vision
- Lacks ability to cope with or tolerate stress
- Inadequate communicator
- Tolerates hazards or unsafe practices

- Effectively stimulates growth/ development in subordinates
- Organizes successfully,implementing process improvements and efficiencies
- Sets/achieves useful, realistic goals that support command mission
- Performs well in stressful situations
- Clear, timely communicator
- Ensures safety of personnel and equipment

- Inspiring motivator and trainer, subordinates reach highest level of growth and development
- Superb organizer, great foresight, develops process improvements and efficiencies
- Leadership achievements dramatically further command mission and vision
- Perseveres through the toughest challenges and inspires others
- Exceptional communicator
- Makes subordinates safety-conscious, maintains top safety record
- Constantly improves the personal and professional lives of others

MENTOR: assigned challenging tasks to all Sailors and provided opportunities to grow professionally.

-TEAM LEADER. As the divisional Mentor Coordinator; overhauled the divisional mentorship program, oversaw 15 Sailors in their commitment of 120 hours to mentorship and guidance which resulted in 92 percent retention and increased off-duty education by 40 percent.

- Led 8 sailors in transporting damage control materials & equipment in Store room 15 that are no longer in use and was given to other departments that can be utilized for other DC related matters saving them $3K in replacement parts.

Commanding Officer's principal advisor. As the Senior enlisted leader, he provided counsel on personnel issues and crew morale; set the tone and enforced military standards for Navy and sister services; position normally filled by an E-8.

- A superior CPO who leads from the front. A key player in the professional development of his Sailors. Achieved 100% divisional JQR qualifications, 100% CPOR quals, 97% retention and 85% advancement.

- Competent Command Master Chief. As Acting CMC, he encouraged base-wide CPO involvement in CPO initiation ceremonies, revitalized the Sailor of the Quarter program, and increased retention by 25%.

- Consistently leads from the front during training scenarios

- Created a Mentorship Program and mentored 25 troops; achieved 100% retention and increased education by 50%. Chaired 20 CDBs to ensure the promotion of the best; reinstituted the Sailors Creed recital during quarters, embraced and bolstered tradition

- DECKPLATE LEADER. Intrusive leadership yielded one Sailor of the Quarter, 100% eligible advanced, 100% passed both PRT cycles, 100% enrolled in USMAP, and 50% college enrollments.

- Dedicated leader. Directly responsible for extremely low disciplinary rate in the line division. Genuinely concerned with subordinate's personal and professional growth

- Demanded the best training environment for Sailors and accepted nothing less than total participation and quality results

- Developed a cross-training program and self-directed work atmosphere that improved watch member productivity by 90%

- Developed a Joint Mentorship Program that facilitated a climate of kinship throughout the command providing guidance to over 120 joint personnel and resulting in 90% retention

- Developed Sailors through positive counseling, coaching, and mentoring. Instilled a mission-first attitude; motivated entire unit to do the same.

- Directed unit and active duty Navy personnel as team leader during UNITAS deployment greatly improving contingency knowledge; surpassed all expectations; hands-on leadership was the catalyst for the entire effort.

- Directly and positively impacted the performance and careers of 75 personnel as the Mentorship Coordinator. Took over a failing program and revitalized it, increasing participation by 80% and retention by 25%.

- Displayed a genuine concern for Sailors. Motivated his crew to perform to the best of their ability as individuals and as a unit.

- Distinguished herself from her peers with her initiative and unmatched technical expertise while continuing to learn from others

- EFFECTIVE TRAINER! Ensured Sailors rotated positions during normal cruising watches to provide broadest possible experience which increased crew qualification and capability

- Effectively led and inspired sub-standard sailors to willingly improve and perform to Navy standards

- Enforced military standards and chain of command for Navy and sister services; increased members' pride in service

- Enrolled every member of his workcenter in the CLEP Program to earn college credit

- Excellent Mentor. Personal drive and ambition helped produce five in-rate advancements. Worked with Sailors to assist them in overcoming shortfalls in training and performance and provided guidance on outside resources when needed

- EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP. Management and supervisory skills command maximum performance and ensure combat readiness. Dynamic leadership of his Department throughout the ship's first Persian Gulf deployment, safely traversing 12,000 nautical miles, can be summed up in one word: Magnificent!

- Expertly led the actions inside the Damage Control Center (DCC) during the COMNAVSURFPAC IMX. His efforts were praised by the Nuclear Inspection Team inspectors.

- Expertly prepared his department for a Eastern Atlantic deployment. Ensured the NAV/OPS Department was always in excellent material condition and ready for sustained effective performance at sea.

- Firmly supports the squadron. Single-handedly resurrected a demoralized First Class association and established a "can do" spirit. Initiated numerous successful fund raising projects.

- Gifted leader. Directly responsible for turning around the production effectiveness of the airframes workcenter, resulting in grades of Outstanding on QA and COMATKWINGLANT audits.

- He distinguished himself as a respected and effective leader by his in-depth knowledge of Navy programs and professional guidance of junior personnel.

- Radiates energy and extreme enthusiasm while supporting activities at the NAS Jacksonville community chapel

- USS Bainbridge has best retention rate in Fleet. Through his hardwork, perseverance, and diligent insight he has increased my ship's annual retention rate making it the best in the fleet.

- Directly responsible for mission stability and smooth transition during the ship's homeport move to PACOM/Pearl Harbor

- Led 12 man team during an extremely demanding Scheduled Preservation Upkeep Coordinated Effort (SPRUCE). His supervision of over 1500 man hours of intensive work in the Auxiliary Machinery Room and engine room ensured success and set the standard for others to emulate.

- DEDICATED MENTOR! As Command Mentor, she skillfully matched all sailors with competent mentors and facilitated the personal and professional development of the crew.

- Team Builder. Instills professionalism and cooperation. Displayed superior leadership performing NAV/OPS LCPO

- A brilliant manager who is committed to total quality. Through his guidance and technical expertise he was directly responsible for the line division receiving grades of outstanding on work center quarterly audits.

-Effectively led and inspired sub-standard sailors to willingly improve and perform to Navy standards

-Her superb managerial skills pushed our clinic to win the TRICARE Regional Access Award for 2 consecutive years.

-Implemented a workcenter physical training program which increased their PRT average by 30% while deployed.

-Unparalleled enthusiasm; possesses an out-in-front leadership style and the attributes of today's model CPO and leader.

-Proven management skills set him apart from peers; transformed workcenter from sub-standard to compliant or better. Promote ASAP!

-Selected to lead a joint theater team which discovered, targeted, and performed damage assessment on hundreds of key targets--critical to mission success

STANDOUT MENTOR. His "Stay Navy" attitude was directly responsible for attaining 100% retention.

-Provided constant training for subordinate personnel assigned to the program management unit. This greatly increased supply support and strengthened lines of communication between tenant commands and the supply department.

-Trained 3 Watch Officer successors in half the usual time required; increased shift expertise 75%.

-Expertly prepared his department for a Eastern Atlantic deployment. Ensured NAV/OPS Department was always in excellent material condition and ready for sustained effective performace at sea. A self-starter, he completes many tasks before others realize that they need to be done.

-Standards and professional competence generated immediate confidence/improved subordinate morale

-Oversaw On-the-job training program resulting in seven seamen receiving their upgraded status ahead of schedule

-SUPERIOR LEADER! United a team of joint service NCOs and 14 civilians to man a 24-hour command center providing up-to-the-minute, real-time management of all critical data communications traversing EUCOM. Analyzed impact of circuit outages and directed restorals based on priority and close coordination with organizational Commander

-A respected leader, sets and expects stringent, yet achievable, performance standards for subordinates.

-Enrolled every seaman in his workcenter in the CLEP Program to earn college credit.

-Implemented a maintenance program that increased the Construction Battalion Unit's overall operational readiness rate from 50% to over 90% in only 6 months.

-United a team of active duty and reserve seamen into one cohesive and productive organization.

-Superb Leader. Selected over more Senior Petty Officers to supervise two Avionic workcenters, he quickly established himself as an outstanding manager and administrator.

-Firmly supports squadron. Single handedly resurrected a demoralized first class association and established "can do" spirit. Intimately involved in planning and executed numerous successful fund raising projects.

Motivated and driven leader. Selected over peers to manage training for the Operations Group as Training Superintendent, an E7 position. With little support, she developed her division of 18 Sailors and 9 joint service personnel into a well-qualified and efficient team. Her determined efforts earned numerous accolades during the IG inspection and produced more than 240 certifications in all watch floor positions. These stunning results led to her department earning Blue Jacket of the Year 09.

-A dynamic Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA), increased communication between the ranks, increased overall satisfaction at work

-Enforced military standards and chain of command for Navy and sister services--increased members' pride in service

EXCEPTIONAL MENTOR. His troops always win competition--3 Network Managers of Month!

-Instituted new quality control inspection procedures raising customer satisfaction 25%

-Led main repair crew to repair 4" water line; directed damaged line exposure/fix, prevented K in contractor costs

-Expertly led the squadron enlisted members during the COMNAVSURFPAC IMX in June 2007, his efforts were praised by the Nuclear Propulsion Inspection Team inspectors, provided superb leadership inside the Damage Control Center (DCC)

-Mentored 2 PO and 4 joint military. Chaired 3 Career Development Boards ensuring discrepancies were corrected in their official records. Additionally, he developed a Joint Mentorship Program that fosters a climate of camraderie throughout the command providing guidance to over 40 tri-service personal resulting in 80% retention.

-Solid performer; displays exceptional leadership qualities /abilities--recommend promotion soonest

-PO Smith is an outstanding motivator of seamen. He always achieves superior results.

-Led by example while executing over 30 challenging training operations; conducted thorough readiness training drills to ensure his Sailors were always prepared for any eventuality.

-Distinguished herself from her peers with her initiative and unmatched technical expertise while continuing to learn from others

-Selected for the Leading Chief Petty Officer Leadership Course over other CPOs.

-Sets the example. Elected as President of the DISA-EUR Chief Petty Officers Association.

-Consistently developed new ways to improve logistic training and Standard Operating Procedure development.

-Displayed a genuine concern for sailors. Motivated his crew to perform to the best of their ability as individuals and as a unit.

-Stellar CPO who leads by example; invaluable asset to the Naval Service Training Command mission; must promote.

-Displays exceptional leadership qualities; ability to get the job done; recommend promotion/retention.

-Implemented an internal random evaluation program for her workcenter that increased formal evaluation scores by 50%.

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