Write With Impact

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- clarified vital technical procedures

- clearly exceeded command standard of 95% accuracy

- close coordination ensured all equipment was...

- coined by Commander for his outstanding work in...

- collected in excess of $5,500 for the American Red Cross

- commended by staff for his efforts

- completed 100 deployment taskings in support of...

- completed all mission phases with 100% success

- completed in less than six months!

- completed ahead of schedule

- completed systematic audit with zero discrepancies

- completed well ahead of deadline

- completion rate in Navy's top 5%

- contributed immeasurably to the Fleet's many successes

- contributed significantly to the safety and security of...

- contributed significantly to the success of...

- controlled accuracy and locked in 100% accountability of...

- cost avoidance of $155K and involved in project's success

- created a positive environment for all members of...

- crucial to weapons safety training for...

- cultural relationship maintained

- cut the delinquent rate by 70%

Navy Writer Book
The best book on Navy Evals available today. Includes writing instructions and over 3,000 examples of phrases categorized by performance traits: Professional Knowledge, Quality of Work, Equal Opportunity, Military Bearing, Initiative, Teamwork, Leadership, and more. 256 pages. Available on Amazon.

- decisiveness saved $55M aircraft and 2 aircrew members

- decreased the risk of...

- delinquency rates plummeted 50%

- delivered 100% accurate accountability of all N3 assets

- delivered over $15M in base infrastructure improvements

- delivered over 550,000 pounds of presents to...

- delivered products within a never before seen two days

- delivered under budget and ahead of schedule

- deployed a Joint Task Force into a combat environment

- deployed three times ISO OEF/OIF/HOA

- designated Distinguished Graduate and recipient of the...

- deterred enemy attacks and safeguarded...

- developed self- discipline and confidence

- directly contributed to 155 enemy targets destroyed

- directly contributed to the success and achievements of...

- directly enabled evacuation of 155 patients, delivery of...

- directly improved combat medic capabilities and...

- directly responsible for the high level of readiness

- directly supported the ship's 555 accident-free hours

- disbursed more than $55M in military and travel pay

- discovered and corrected more than 550 errors

- distributed over 7k tons of relief supplies to Haitians

- donated over 150 hours during non-duty days

- dramatically improved Navy Expeditionary Training

- drove production beyond expectation

- dual certified by the Navy and the state of Florida

- earned distinction as Master...

- earned the DOD Best Anti-terrorism Program for 2009

- earned the respect of subordinates

- earned twelve college credits, completed over six hours of...

- effectively ensured flight deck safety

- efficient delivery and smooth transition to deployment ops

- eliminated 30 days of downtime and saved over $5,000 in...

- eliminated countless man hours of manual processing

- eliminated hazards in 30 critical facilities

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