Aviation Eval Examples

Contributions without specific rating or duty position will be listed below:

Evaluation submitted upon member's transfer to FRC Southwest UIC: 44326

-EXCEPTIONAL SUPERVISOR. As Line Shift Supervisor, led 12 multi-rate maintainers in the daily inspection and launch/recovery of 14 MH-Z60R aircraft. His leadership resulted in the swift completion of 165 special inspections, 145 launch/recovery evolutions, 72 daily/turnaround inspections, and 10 functional check flights. His unbreakable efforts resulted in 953 mishap-free flight hours and 290 sorties during a non-stop FDNF Flight Schedule.
-METICULOUS MANANGER. As IMRL and Tool manager, he maintained an inventory of eight tool containers which encompasses over 245 tools and over 300 IMRL line items. He corrected 75 administrative critical and 15 non-critical discrepancies and facilitated three tool control training lessons. Fixed all IMRL serial numbers on red gear for six detachments out to sea in support of 7th fleet activities.
-COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. As Team Captain for two HSM-51 bowling leagues, he provided an amazing opportunity to 20 sailors to compete against other commands. He contributed 12 off duty hours to support HSM-51 MWR in the 2024 Spring Festival.



MISSION DEDICATED. As a T2C, his efforts while flying 11 mission flights across three VRM squadrons ensured safe and successful flights. He seamlessly fulfilled 35% of his 2K NAC ACTC. Simultaneously, he completed 100% of the 200 level sign off portion in the ACTC over CMV-22B system knowledge.
VERSATILE LEADER. Initially working in the Operations department, he assisted and delivered 64 flight schedules resulting in two level 200 qualifications and one level 400 qualification. While currently being one of two E-4s in the Training department, he brought knowledge and consistent commitment for the construction of a new ACTC tracking template, weekly refreshers of system knowledge for 27 Aircrew, and led the proctoring of five Aircrew lectures and meetings resulting in training readiness.
COMMAND INITIATIVE. As a proactive Aircrew PT leader, he crafted daily fitness plans to ensure 27 Aircrewmen are in peak physical condition, all while building a sense of camaraderie. Within a month of checking into VRM-40, he was tasked to generate the squadron's budget for FY24. Based on research and logic, his budget earned approval and he gained the trust of his leadership. He is exceptionally reliable. Every aspect of his performance has been of the highest caliber. He is an invaluable leader, and a great source of knowledge in all technical areas.



-OUTSTANDING MANAGER. Led eight program managers in the completion of 30 audits, 63 spot-checks and 55 drills/practicals. His efforts yielded two CDQARs, 25 CDIs and 127 SE operators in direct support of CVW-11 operations during TSTA/FEP. Actions culminated in an overall grade of "On-Track" during 2023 COMNAVAIRFORCES Aviation Maintenance Inspection.
-ENGAGED LEADER. Led 84 Sailors in 16 General Quarters scenarios. Qualified 42 DC307-320. Efforts contributed to Repair Locker 1A receiving the highest ATG grade onboard! Led 10 FCPOs in executing 432 watchbill assignments. Trained 42 Sailors MOOW/POOW/JOOD yielding a 20 percent increase in deck watch qualifications. Conducted three PSTs resulting in one selection to DEVGRU. Chaired 2 Qual/Cert boards resulting in 3 ordnance qualifications.
-PEER INVOLVED. Selected amongst his peers for FCPOA Master At Arms. Revised the by-laws and enhanced camaraderie and esprit-de-corps. Facilitated EOSC Command Indoctrination to 37 Sailors. PSG RSCA: X.XX


His knowledge and experience on the 54H60-111 propellers was the driving force behind the incorporation of PRB-149.

-INSPIRING PROFESSIONAL. Leads 11 workcenters in the maintenance and upkeep of 26 Portable Electronic Maintenance Aids, resulting in the reduction of man-hours required to incorporate 76 IRACs, 12 Technical Publication Changes, and 16 Revisions by 90 percent. Screened 34 Technical Directives, leading to 100 percent accuracy and accountability while also ensuring the successful incorporation of all technical directives on five E-2D aircraft with a 100 percent success rate.

-TECHNICAL EXPERT. Steadfastly led 12 Sailors in the daily up-keep and repair of five EA-18G aircraft and the build-up of six major programs. His strong leadership resulted in the expeditious repair of 520 discrepancies, 80 specials, and 12 phase inspections executing 1,056 sorties, encompassing 1,600 flight hours at a 98% sortie completion rate.

-Motivated Technician. Vigorously assisted in the completion of over 100 maintenance discrepancies including four P-8A "A" check inspections, removal and replacement of one Main Landing Gear Strut, two metal fabrications, and 12 tire and wheel assemblies in direct support of an arduous 14 event, 70 hour daily flight schedule.


- Outstanding initiative and integrity. Devoted numerous hours in preparation for the Maintenance Programs Assist visit. His/Her untiring efforts and attention to detail resulted in the squadron receiving a grade of X "Zero Discrepancies" and XX "On Track." He/She maximizes resources and promotes group effort to accomplish command goals and objectives.

- Determined and devoted. Dedicated numerous off-duty hours revamping several key programs in preparation for the MPA visit. His/Her untiring efforts and attention to detail resulted in X programs receiving a grade of "Zero Discrepancies", and one of only two commands in CVW XX to receive a passing grade in the PC qualification program.

- A consummate professional, widely respected for his/her aircraft knowledge and experience. Dedicated numerous hours during a period of manning shortfalls to ensure his/her workcenter's continued high productivity. Completely revamping X different maintenance programs, proved invaluable during the recent Aviation Maintenance Inspection. His/Her efforts resulted in the workcenter receiving laudatory comments from several COMNAVAIRPAC inspectors.

- Self motivated professional. Innovative approach and positive demeanor have boosted production and morale in the workcenter. Infectious commitment to the mission has served to unify shop personnel to common goals. His/Her direct involvement contributed to the workcenter's high grade during the squadron's Aircraft Maintenance Inspection.

- Involved and devoted. His/Her efforts contributed to the workcenter receiving a grade of "zero discrepancies" during the initial Quality Assurance audit

- Outstanding initiative. Devoted numerous hours in preparation for the Aviation Maintenance Programs Assist Inspection. His/Her dedication and intense efforts resulted in the workcenter receiving a "zero discrepancy" grade. Personally responsible for converting all of the workcenter's toolboxes over to the new standards prescribed in the Tool Control Manual, increasing the workcenter's ability to conduct aircraft maintenance.

- Dedicated to mission accomplishment. As a natural team leader, he/she meticulously accomplished all maintenance tasks with the highest degree of quality and workmanship. His/Her intense efforts and demand for 100 percent from his subordinates resulted in a "zero discrepancy" score during the recent Conventional Weapons Technical Proficiency Inspection.

- Natural leader and team builder. As Team Leader, he/she played an invaluable role during the Conventional Weapons Technical Proficiency Inspection (CWTPI), leading his/her team to a "zero discrepancy" score. Infectious commitment to the mission has served to unify workcenter personnel to common goals.


- Recognized expert in the Corrosion Control field. Effectively directed the productive efforts of XX junior technicians in the timely completion of more than XXX special/corrosion inspections and never-ending preparation of all aircraft for the command s Material Condition Inspection. His/Her efforts contributed significantly to the squadron s overall mission effectiveness and received laudatory comments from several key inspectors.

- Corrosion Control Program expert. Aggressively upgraded a portable paint cart and paint gun cleaner, ensuring each was in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency standards. His/Her can do spirit and technical knowledge were vital in the efficient completion of over X,XXX corrosion control maintenance actions and more than X,XXX man-hours in direct support of 12 FA-18 aircraft assigned.

- Highly productive technician. Played a key role in expeditious and professional painting of the command s CAG aircraft, producing quality and impressive results, which were immediately apparent and bolstered Esprit de Corps throughout the entire squadron.

- Highly productive technician. Played a key role in the painstaking preparation of X aircraft for the squadron s Material Condition Inspection (MCI). His/Her dedicated efforts contributed significantly to the quality workmanship of all aircraft assigned and the command s grade of X X.

QA/Quality Assurance

- Proven multi-area expert and team builder. Personally responsible for the training and qualification of X full-systems QAR's, XX CDIs and X Aviation Gas Free Engineer. His/Her intense efforts dramatically increased production and efficiency throughout the entire command, which directly improved aircraft availability, resulting in over XXXX flight hours during an extended and strenuous Western Pacific deployment.

- Excellent knowledge and experience. His/Her exceptional technical knowledge and positive mentorship resulted in the qualification of X CDIs, increasing the number of qualified personnel by XX percent, which enhanced productivity and efficiency. His/Her experience and commitment to excellence resulted in his/her selection as a Quality Assurance Representative.

- Commendable initiative and foresight. Qualified as a full-systems Quality Assurance Representative in only X months, greatly balancing the workcenter's workload in a technically demanding environment. A leader in teamwork who focused on command goals and objectives. Inspired and trained XX subordinates in "by the book" maintenance procedures ensuring strict adherence to the highest standards, increasing efficiency and productivity.

- Unparalleled initiative and integrity. Hand selected over more senior personnel to fill the demanding billet as the squadron s AME Quality Assurance Representative. His/Her untiring efforts and attention to detail resulted in XX on track and X no discrepancies noted grades during the Aviation Maintenance Inspection (AMI).

- Unsurpassed technical ability and NAMP programs expert. Full Systems QAR frequently called upon by Maintenance Control and workcenter technicians to assist in troubleshooting the most difficult aircraft discrepancies. His/Her extensive technical ability, thorough understanding of all aircraft systems, and completion of more than XXX Safe-For-Flight Quality Assurance inspections contributed significantly to the overall maintenance effort, and were instrumental in the squadron's impressive XXX,000 mishap free flight hours.

- Motivated self-starter. Directly responsible for establishing a comprehensive and aggressive QAR cross-training syllabus/program, which was vital in the timely qualification of five Full systems QARs. His/Her personal efforts raised the standards of an already arduous qualification process and significantly improved the squadron s mission effectiveness.

- Incredibly motivated. Completed his/her full systems QAR qualification in a mere X months, vastly increasing the Quality Assurance Division's capabilities and contributing immeasurably to the squadron's impressive completion of XXX combat missions, X,XXX flight hours and XX% sortie completion rate during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

- Exceptional maintenance expert and Full Systems QAR. Routinely called on by Maintenance Control and workcenter technicians to troubleshoot the most complex aircraft discrepancies. His/Her extensive technical ability and thorough understanding of NAMP programs and processes was instrumental in the remarkable completion of more than XXX Safe-For-Flight Quality Assurance inspections with zero repeat discrepancies.

- Authority on NAMP programs and processes. Actively ensured strict compliance with NAMP requirements, and established exacting criteria for conducting thorough workcenter audits and program monitors. Consistently provided accurate technical and troubleshooting guidance to workcenter technicians and Maintenance Control. Meticulously performed over XXX Safe-For-Flight Quality Assurance inspections with zero repeat discrepancies, which contributed to the squadron's impressive completion of XXX combat missions, X,XXX flight hours and XX% sortie completion rate during an extended Western Pacific deployment.

- Self-motivated professional. Although onboard only four months, his/her efforts as a Quality Assurance Representative were immediately apparent and positively impacted the entire Maintenance Department. His/Her wealth of aviation maintenance knowledge and keen attention to detail were instrumental in the flawless tracking of over XXX mission essential Technical Directives for 12 aircraft, enabling the squadron to meet all operational commitments.

- Gifted leader in maintenance quality. Expeditiously investigated major engine FOD incidents, thoroughly completed over 35 program audits/monitors and provided aggressive oversight to production workcenter processes. His/Her intense efforts were crucial in the squadron's achievement of XX,000 mishap-free flight hours and superior readiness levels throughout an extended combat deployment.

- Self-motivated professional. Quickly identified him/herself as a premier Quality Assurance Representative. Completed QAR qualifications for X diverse workcenters in a mere X months and achieved Safe-For-Flight qualification in less than XX days. His/Her initiative and devotion to duty vastly enhanced the Maintenance Department s production efforts and were instrumental in the squadron s achievement of over XX,000 accident free flight hours.

- FA-18 aircraft systems and NAMP programs expert. Routinely called upon by Maintenance Control and shop technicians in making mission impacting decisions. His/Her extensive background in FA-18 systems maintenance was vital in the painstaking overhaul of the Quality Assurance Division's qualification testing program, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of maintenance publications and aircraft systems by more than XXX QAR/CDQAR/CDI inspectors. Performed over XXX safe-for-flight Quality Assurance maintenance inspections with zero repeat discrepancies.

- Exceptional leader with unmatched management skills and impeccable military bearing. Hand selected ahead of five senior First Class Petty Officers to fill the demanding and influential Quality Assurance Leading Petty Officer billet. Deeply embedded in the command's maintenance effort, he ensured the timely completion of more than 127 audits/program monitors and was the driving force behind the unprecedented achievement of 150,000 accident free flight hours. Absolutely astounding Naval leader.

- Selected over numerous senior First Class Electricians to fulfill the demanding billet as Quality Assurance Representative due to his proven technical abilities and by-the-book maintenance practices. Qualified as Full Systems QAR in a mere X months, which provided improved capability and flexibility in supporting multiple detachments. Eagerly assumed his role as X Program Monitor, superbly tracking XX (number of) X (type) monitors/qualifications, while greatly improving program standards and currency.


- METICULOUS OVERSIGHT. Led 12 Sailors responsible for logistics support of 12 F/A-18 aircraft and 255 personnel as well as managing 6 NAMP programs within Material Control (AMMRL, METROLOGY AND CALIBRATION, MATERIAL CONTROL, HAZMAT, TOOL CONTROL, OPTAR). Managed the acceptance and transfer of 23 F/A-18E/F aircraft, ensuring the proper accountability of millions of dollars of assets.

- DILIGENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT. Maintained 140 toolboxes across 39 workcenters containing 9,420 specialized tools. Completed 171 worn tool reports and processed 100 tools for DRMO, saving the Navy $22K and dramatically improving the Tool Control Program efficiency, resulting in a program score of 99.65 percent during the 2023 Aviation Maintenance inspection. He also generated and tracked 30 shipping requests for workcenters valued at $2,104k.

- Exceptional manager. Aggressively optimizes all resources and maximizes production through effective prioritization and superior organization. His exacting requirements in monitoring over X,XXX high and low priority requisitions contributed directly to achieving the high state of readiness required to the support the squadron s operational commitments.

- Meticulous financial manager. Directly responsible for the command's Operating Target budget for aviation fuel and administration supplies valued at over $X million dollars. Devoted numerous off-duty hours implementing new instructions to the Purchase Card Program, perfecting a smooth and efficient system of controls.

- Outstanding professional. Thoroughly involved in all aspects of Material Control. Makes stellar use of his vast knowledge and experience to ensure optimal support of 12 FA-18C aircraft and over XXX squadron personnel.

- A true professional. Devoted numerous off-duty hours implementing several improvements to the IMRL/Calibration, HAZMAT, and Tool Control Programs. His/Her efforts resulted in a "zero discrepancy" and X "on track"s on the COMNAVAIRPAC Aviation Maintenance Programs Assist Inspection.

- Aggressively managed the command's NMCS/PMCS report, applying resourceful expediting techniques that produced results. His untiring efforts provided vital relief from frustrated requirements and reduced high priority requisitions by XX percent.

- Dynamic manager and meticulous organizer. Superbly coordinated Material Control, Tool Room, and HAZMAT preparations for COMNAVAIRPAC's 200X Aircraft Maintenance Evaluation. His foresight and relentless drive resulted in his division's overall grade of outstanding, ensured optimal material support for over XXX personnel in 14 production workcenters, and significantly improved the operational capability of 12 FA-18 aircraft.

- Material acquisition and financial expert. Demonstrating unsurpassed attention to detail as the command's only purchase card holder and OPTAR Manager, he superbly managed VFA-XX and CVW-X budgets of $X.X million dollars providing for coalition fuel, pilot and personnel equipment with meticulous accountability of all transactions in direct support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. His/Her quality of work far exceeds that of fellow peers.

- Outstanding Program Manager. Flawlessly maintained XXX IMRL components, tracked and ensured the calibration of XXX PME items and processed XXX Broken/Missing/Worn Tool Reports, which were critical in optimizing support requirements for over XXX enlisted personnel in 14 production workcenters.

- Recognized subject matter expert and logistician. Hand-selected by CVW XX to fill a critical CPO billet during a period of severe manning shortfalls. He/She expertly integrated nine different embarked Material Control Divisions with the ship's Supply Department. His/Her efforts contributed directly to achieving the high state of readiness required to support the entire air wing during an extended and austere Western Pacific deployment.

- Immaculate fiscal manager. Personally managed the command's nine million dollar Operating Target budget for aviation fuel and administration supplies with 100 percent accountability. Meticulously governed the Navy Purchase Card Program, reviewing and executing countless open-purchase DOD and Commercial procurements in support of twelve FA-18C aircraft and over XXX squadron personnel.

- Absolute expert in all aspects of Material Control. A self-starter. Expertly requisitions and tracks squadron assets in support of mission readiness. Consistently updates the squadron's daily high/low priority requirements report with a 100 percent validation rate.

- Recognized throughout the command for his logistics acumen. Expertly performed year-end financial closeouts involving funds in excess of X.X million dollars, while ensuring 100 percent accuracy and utilization. Flawlessly prepared a painstaking and time consuming Fiscal Year 200X budget proposal to COMCARAIRWING XXX, resulting in an essential grant of additional funding in order to meet all command commitments and objectives.

- Top notch supervisor and Storekeeper. Inspires and trains subordinates on a daily basis. Personally decreased the Not Mission Capable Supply (NMCS) rate by XX percent, greatly enhancing aircraft availability during an austere Western Pacific deployment.

- Excellent manager. As the squadron IMRL Manager, he/she maintained an inventory of over XXX items valued at over X million dollars, with 100 percent accuracy. His/Her effectiveness directly contributed to the squadron's ability to perform over XX,000 man-hours of maintenance during an extended and austere Western Pacific deployment.

- Sufficient managerial skills. As the command IMRL manager, he/she flawlessly controlled over nine million dollars of IMRL Gear. His/Her dedication and efforts resulted in receiving a grade of "zero discrepancies" on X Quality Assurance audits.

- Exceptional manager. Aggressively optimizes all resources and maximizes production through effective prioritization and superior organization. His/Her exacting requirements in monitoring over XXX high and low priority requisitions contributed directly to achieving the high state of readiness required to support the squadron's accelerated IDTC.

- Involved and devoted. As Tool Room Leading Petty Officer, he/she managed over $XXX,000 in tools and completed over XXX missing, broken, and lost tool reports with zero discrepancies. Additionally, he/she assisted the command by auditing the Tool Program and reviewing all tools assigned resulting in a reduction of discrepancies by XX percent.


- Phenomenal manager. Flawlessly coordinated the implementation of over XXX TDs and X Phase Inspections, greatly enhancing the command's mission capability and effectiveness.

- Knowledgeable and dependable. Efficiently managed 14 workcenters in the timely completion of XX major Phase Inspections. His/Her deckplate leadership skills and experience significantly improved aircraft availability and operational readiness, culminating in over XXXX sorties and XXXX flight hours, while maintaining an impressive XX% SCR.

- Excellent management skills. Supervised the completion of over X,XXX total maintenance actions, including X phase, XX 42-day and X 364-day inspections. His/Her direct involvement and intense efforts enabled the command to meet every operational commitment during an extended and strenuous Western Pacific deployment.

- Excellent Shift Supervisor. Personally directed the meticulous completion of XX aircraft phase inspections, XXX Technical Directives, and over XXX corrective actions. His/Her devoted efforts greatly enhanced aircraft availability, enabling the squadron to meet all operational commitments.

- Effective technician and supervisor. His/Her leadership and oversight were instrumental in the timely completion of XX phase inspections, XXX Technical Directives, and X,XXX maintenance actions. His/Her efforts enhanced aircraft availability and enabled the squadron to meet all operational commitments.

- Maintains high standards of quality and workmanship. Significantly contributed to aircraft availability completing XX aircraft phase inspections, XXX Technical Directives, and XXX complex X discrepancies. His/Her keen attention to detail and seasoned leadership were key in achieving the command's unprecedented XX,XXX accident free flight hours.


- Superb leader and mentor. His/Her innovative approach and positive mentorship resulted in the qualification of XX Plane Captains and X workcenter 310 CDIs. His/Her direct involvement and dedication greatly enhanced the workcenter's productivity, efficiency, and morale. As the Line Division LPO, he/she expertly organized and coordinated over X,XXX mishap-free sorties during an extended and arduous deployment, contributing significantly to the command's success and mission effectiveness.

- Outstanding leader. Hand selected to lead in a critical billet of influence in the command's most challenging division. His/Her positive mentorship and dedication resulted in the qualification of X Plane Captains and X CDIs. He/She has molded his/her crew into a cohesive unit, promoting efficiency and mission effectiveness.

- Sound technical knowledge. His/Her keen troubleshooting skills in a wide variety of aircraft systems enabled squadron aircrew to complete over X,XXX missions since the re-establishment of the troubleshooter branch, significantly increasing overall training productivity and efficiency.

- Unsurpassed technical knowledge. His/Her keen troubleshooting skills in a wide variety of aircraft systems were directly responsible for saving over XXX sorties, enabling squadron aircrew to complete over X,XXX missions during an extended and arduous deployment.

- Commitment to job completion. Qualified X troubleshooters during a period of severe manpower shortages and an accelerated Inter-Deployment Turnaround Cycle (IDTC), vastly enhancing mission readiness.

- Uncompromising commitment to excellence and subordinate development. Directly fostered an environment and supervised the training of junior personnel, resulting in XX highly qualified Plane Captains. Additionally, he/she ensured all hands were trained to safely handle an aggressive flight schedule exceeding XX sorties per day during an extended combat deployment.

- Effective leader. Expertly managed the production efforts of XX Line Division personnel charged with ensuring the timely availability of squadron aircraft and safe preparation for flight. His/Her personal efforts ensured junior personnel were properly trained and qualified in every aspect of aircraft launch, recovery, and servicing, with special emphasis on safety, which enabled the squadron to meet all operational commitments.

- Excellent troubleshooter and recognized expert. His/Her tireless efforts expediting the isolation and repair of countless aircraft discrepancies were instrumental in the squadron's completion of more than XXX combat sorties, and X,XXX flight hours with a XX percent sortie completion rate throughout Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

- Talented team builder and mentor. Dedicated to passing on his/her knowledge of aircraft systems to juniors and peers, personally trained and qualified XX Final Checkers and Troubleshooters while emphasizing the importance of safety and proper by the book maintenance practices.

- Effective leader. Hand selected to fill the key billet as the Line Division Shift Supervisor, he/she superbly coordinated the efforts of more than XX division personnel, dramatically improving the launch, recovery and servicing support.

- Involved and committed to mission accomplishment. Flawlessly tracked the progress of XX trainees and supervised an aggressive Plane Captain Training Program. His/Her comprehensive involvement and positive mentorship led to the qualification of XX Plane Captains and significantly contributed to the command's readiness.

- Exceptional leader, mentor, and team builder. Expertly directed the productive efforts of over XX Plane Captains, trainees, and other essential flight deck personnel, enabling the squadron to meet all operational commitments during an extended combat deployment.

- Superior Avionics Technician/Troubleshooter. As the command's premier Flight Deck Troubleshooter, he/she expeditiously diagnosed and repaired hundreds of aircraft discrepancies during launch and turnaround evolutions contributing directly to the squadron's impressive XX% sortie completion rate and X,XXX hours flown in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

- Exceptional manager and mentor. Achieved several in-rate qualifications and dedicated numerous hours training workcenter personnel to ensure his/her division's continued high productivity. His/Her positive mentorship and "can do" spirit resulted in the qualification of six Plane Captains in record time, greatly improving the command's efficiency and mission effectiveness during an extended combat deployment.

- Exceptional leader and team builder. Brillantly and safely directed the productive efforts of over XX Plane Captains, trainees, and technicians performing daily flight operations abroad the USS X. His/Her leadership and flawless performance on the flight deck were crucial to the command's impressive XX% sortie completion rate and XXX combat sorties flown in direct support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

- Team player. Provided aggressive support in executing the FOD Prevention Program. His/Her efforts were vital in improving all hands participation and increasing FOD awareness.

- Committed to excellence and mission accomplishment. Performed superbly as Flight Deck Coordinator on X Carrier Qualification detachments. His/Her personal efforts ensured the safety of all flight deck personnel and led to the command's impressive achievement of XX,XXX accident free flight hours.


- Team builder and dedicated to mission accomplishment. He/She meticulously accomplished all tasks with the highest degree of quality and workmanship. Devoted numerous hours training junior personnel to quickly and efficiently diagnose the most perplexing flight control discrepancies. His/Her dedication and infectious "can do" spirit has filtered throughout the entire Airframes Branch, vastly improving the workcenter's productivity and reducing backlog by an impressive XX percent during an extended and arduous deployment.

- Team player and mission orientated. Personally assisted in the laborious removal and replacement of X axle levers, completion of X 42-day inspections and X major phase inspections during a period of manning shortfalls in the airframes workcenter. His/Her dedication and "can do" attitude restored vital aircraft to full mission capable status, greatly enhancing the squadron's combat readiness.

- Recognized technical expert. Instrumental in troubleshooting a complex landing gear emergency extension discrepancy, potentially preventing a catastrophic landing gear failure. His/Her expertise resulted in the restoration of a vital asset to full mission capable status, enabling the command to meet all operational commitments.

- Recognized expert. His/Her exceptional drive and technical knowledge contributed significantly to the rapid repair of over XX complex airframe and hydraulic related systems discrepancies. His/Her intense efforts resulted in the restoration of vital aircraft to full mission capability and an unbelievable XX percent sortie completion rate while participating in the command's X detachment.

- Extremely talented and knowledgeable technician. His/Her exhaustless contributions were instrumental in the workcenter's accomplishment of more than XXX maintenance actions and XX,XXX man hours in support of 12 FA-18 aircraft. His/Her efforts greatly improved the workcenter s effectiveness and reduced backlog by an impressive XX percent during an extended and arduous deployment.

- Devoted and involved. Sacrificed countless off-duty hours researching and expediting the incorporation of AYB-834, a time critical landing gear technical directive, which ensured the timely completion of XX required maintenance actions without losing a single scheduled sortie. His/Her personal efforts in this enormous undertaking were critical in securing an aggressive flight schedule exceeding XX sorties per day during an extended combat deployment.

- Recognized technical expert. His/Her unsurpassed knowledge of the FA-18 airframe and related systems was crucial in the timely completion of over XXX maintenance actions and XX,XXX man-hours in support of 12 FA-18 aircraft. His/Her efforts were instrumental in maximizing aircraft availability, enabling the squadron to meet all operational commitments.

- Subject matter expert. His/Her extensive knowledge of FA-18 airframe and hydraulic systems were instrumental in the workcenter's timely completion of over XXX aircraft discrepancies and XX special inspections. His/Her efforts greatly enhanced the entire Maintenance Department s production effort.

- Sound technical knowledge. His keen technical skills were instrumental in the timely corrective action of several airframe discrepancies, including the replacement of two axle levers. His efforts restored vital mission assets to full mission capability status enabling the squadron to meet all operational commitments during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

- Highly skilled and innovative. He/She personally manufactured numerous airframe components, restoring vital aircraft assets to Full Mission Capable status, enabling the squadron to meet all operational commitments.


- Meticulous and observant. As the Leading Petty Officer of First Lieutenant, he/she supervised three personnel, ensuring the squadron spaces were "inspection ready" at all times. His/Her efforts vastly improved living conditions and squadron morale.

- Actively involved in several Command initiatives. As assistant PRT coordinator and EAWS instructor, he spends numerous off-shift hours assisting Squadron personnel to achieve/maintain qualifications. Flawlessly coordinated the Squadron's onload/offload and superbly organized underway watchbills for two Carrier Qualification detachments.

- Innovative resource manager. Effectively multiplied available manpower by aggressively training junior personnel in advanced X theory and troubleshooting techniques. His/Her efforts greatly enhanced the workcenter s efficiency and effectiveness.

- Entirely committed to the effective development of junior personnel. Analyzed flawed production processes and countered each with aggressive hands on training. Superbly molded a crew of X junior personnel into an extremely capable and productive X team.

- Gifted motivator and mentor. Significantly raised workcenter goals and standards, while instilling pride and job ownership in junior personnel. His/Her personal efforts have molded an inexperienced group of junior technicians into a highly cohesive and professional team, greatly enhancing operational readiness.

- Demonstrates outstanding leadership in the professional development of junior personnel. Implemented a comprehensive subordinate training plan complemented by positive counseling and guidance, resulting in a XX percent advancement rate and XX percent retention.

- Inspirational motivator and mentor. Excites others to strive for excellence and perform at maximum potential. His/Her positive mentorship and dedication resulted in the EAWS qualification of XX personnel and an impressive XX% advancement rate in the X workcenter.

- Outstanding initiative and drive. Trained and instructed workcenter personnel in proper maintenance procedures, ensuring over 350 maintenance actions were completed with the highest degree of quality and workmanship.

- Committed to excellence and subordinate training. As Shift Supervisor, his/her dedication, impeccable military bearing, and concern for subordinate development fostered a highly effective working/training environment for all workcenter personnel. His/Her efforts were instrumental in the command's impressive XXX combat sorties, X,XXX flight hours, and XX percent sortie completion rate in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

- Commendable mentor who is dedicated to the training of subordinates. Devoted countless hours to the professional development of subordinates and peers. Superbly molded seven junior shop personnel into qualified technicians by implementing an aggressive OJT program, which increased workcenter qualifications by more than 80%.

- Actively involved in the development of junior personnel. Provided invaluable assistance to Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Unit by training XX technicians awaiting scheduled start dates to attend school. His/Her efforts provided NAMTRAU with more confident, motivated, and better trained students, which greatly streamlined the training process.

- An innovative leader who pools available resources to get the job done. Devoted countless hours imparting his/her years of technical experience to peers and subordinates, while instilling the value of training as a key to success. His/Her efforts greatly improved the workcenter s efficiency and productivity.

- Involved. Displaying genuine concern for personal and professional growth, he/she organized a study group with his/her workcenter to help personnel prepare for the upcoming rating advancement exams.

- Highly motivated and dedicated. Trained and instructed workcenter personnel in proper maintenance procedures, ensuring all maintenance tasks were completed with the highest degree of quality and workmanship.

- Astute team player who produces results. Provided information and assistance to NAS Lemoore NAVAIR Technical Representatives, which led to the timely repair of a difficult X discrepancy that plagued VFA-XX. His/Her efforts saved countless man-hours and returned a critical asset to Mission Capable status, enabling the command to meet all operational commitments.

- Team player. Exerted influence over personnel by providing necessary guidance to reach their potential while allowing sufficient latitude for growth.

- A mentor for junior sailors. Directly responsible for the training of X subordinates in proper maintenance procedures and practices with emphasis on safety. His/Her Infectious commitment to the mission has served to unify shop personnel to common goals.

- Great teamwork and mentorship. Takes extreme pride in mentoring junior personnel. His/Her dedication and direct involvement resulted in a XX percent advancement rate and XX percent retention rate for the X Branch. His/Her infectious commitment to the mission has served to unify shop personnel towards common goals.

- Plays a key role in sailorization and actively supports the command's EAWS Program. Ensured the success of numerous EAWS pre-boards and participated in 10 final qualification boards comprising 24% of the squadron's EAWS qualifications for the reporting period.

- Team player. While temporarily assigned to First Lieutenant, he ensured the squadron spaces were "inspection ready" at all times. His efforts vastly improved living conditions and squadron morale.

- Excellent military bearing. Displays a positive attitude at all times. Infectious "can do" spirit has filtered throughout the workcenter, increasing production and morale.

- Dedicated and involved. Personally responsible for the training and qualification of X new CDIs and X EAWS qualifications, promoting productivity and efficiency.

- Dedicated and driven towards excellence. Directly responsible for the training and instruction of XX junior personnel. His/Her active mentorship resulted in the division's attainment of numerous qualifications, vastly increasing productivity and efficiency.

- Motivational leader and mentor. Actively involved in the professional and personal growth of six subordinates, ensuring completion of critical training. Superb counselor who s loyalty excites others to strive for excellence and perform at maximum potential.

- Top notch supervisor and mentor. Eagerly seeks greater responsibilities. Volunteered and selected to assume the duties as Shift Supervisor. His innovative approach and positive demeanor have boosted production and morale in the workcenter.


- Committed to Mission. Achieved Collateral Duty Inspector and ordnance Team Leader qualifications in minimal time, decreasing the workcenter's workload and increasing efficiency. His/Her dedication to proper maintenance procedures and positive attitude has permeated throughout the ordnance workcenter, promoting pride and professionalism.

- Dedicated and driven towards excellence. Strived to produce a quality product and accepted nothing less from subordinates. Achieved Collateral Duty Inspector and Quality Assurance/Safety Observer designation in minimal time, vastly enhancing workcenter productivity and efficiency.

- Involved and devoted. Implemented an intense workcenter training program, resulting in the qualification of seven NC-10 operators, vastly improving the command s operational capability.

- Highly qualified mentor. Achieved his/her Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist designation in minimal time. His/Her dedication to proper maintenance procedures and positive mentorship has permeated throughout the Maintenance Department, promoting pride and professionalism.

- Unparalleled initiative. Achieved Collateral Duty Inspector and Non-pilot Low Power Operator qualifications in minimal time, greatly streamlining the workcenter's production efforts.

- Inspiring team builder. Rapidly qualified as Avionics Weapons Systems Release/Control Team Leader and work center CDI. Personally mentored eight personnel in weapons system processes, which resulted in the achievement of over 35 Team Member, Brake Rider, Duct Diver, NC-8A and NC-10 qualifications. His/Her efforts were vital in alleviating critical skill shortages within the Avionics Branch and improving squadron readiness.


- Received Non-Judicial Punishment on 23 January 2004 for violation of the UCMJ, Article 86, Absence without leave; Article 83, Fraudulant enlistment, appointment or separation; Article 112a, Wrongful use of a controlled substance. Awarded forteiture of 1/2 months pay x 2 months, reduction in rate to E-2, 60 days restriction, and Administrative Separation.

Navy E2D Hawkeye

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